“With his talent, at least Grade 8.”

“What a joke, such a rare monster like him must have a Grade 9 inner core!”


The discussion work of countless students everyone talking at once.

Many people understand that Yang Xuan must condense a Grade 9 inner core, but everyone does not know that Grade 9 inner cores are also divided into three to six or nine.

If they knew that Yang Xuan not only condensed the Grade 9 inner core, but also the top grade in Grade 9, it would startled to fall the chin if it was a hard-to-find solar Golden Core.

Yang Xuan went back to the Fairview Manor and found Yi Xiu’er.

“Where did you guy just go?”

When Yi Xiu’er saw him appear, she immediately asked.

“As the saying goes, one day is like three autumns, but we can’t be separated for one hour, are you so anxious to see me?”

Yang Xuan is funny and authentic .

“Who misses you, people just ask, love to say or not.”

Yi Xiu’er gave him a charmingly blank look.

“Well, Xiu’er, I will be away for a while tomorrow.”

Yang Xuan hesitated.

“Where are you going!?”

Yi Xiu’er was surprised.

Chapter 565 Entering the Tower

“Hurry up and tell me where are you going?”

“Xiu’er, I…”

“Say it quickly, or don’t want to leave.”

“Well, I’ll tell you.”

Yang Xuan nodded, just don’t hide anything anymore, will The existence of Murong Fu and the need to enter the emperor tower to find the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation are briefly described.

But it’s okay if I don’t say anything. When I say that Yi Xiu’er suddenly turned pale, grabbed his arm tightly, and kept shaking his head: “No, it’s too dangerous, you can’t go.”

The legend of Emperor Pagoda, well known in Sacred Domain Great World.

Although no one knows where the emperor tower is located, everyone knows that the emperor tower is a world by itself, extremely dangerous, and whoever enters will die.

“Xiu’er, I’m sorry, I must go.”

Yang Xuan understands that the beauty cares about her own safety, but in order to find the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments to save the Master warlord, regardless of the imperial tower How dangerous there is, he will not hesitate to turn back, it is imperative.

“Yang Xuan, will I beg you?”

Yi Xiu’er begged with tears in her eyes.

“Fool, don’t cry, you will become a little cat if you cry again.”

Yang Xuan reached out and wiped the tears from Yi Xiu’er’s face, comforted: “Don’t you too much I was too worried. As the third dean of Vermilion Bird Academy, Mr. Mu has the ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth. Since he can send me into the tower, there is a way to get me out.”

” But…”

“Nothing, this trip is not only for me, but also for my Master.”

“Your Master?”

“Hmm , My other Master, haven’t you been curious about my origins? I don’t hide it from you. I come from Xuanhuang World, and my Master is called the King of War, once an emperor, but now there is only a strand of Remnant Soul left. If I can’t get the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments, then my Master will soon be annihilated in the world.”

hearing this, Yi Xiu’er was silent.

For a long time, she lifts the head and gritted her teeth and said: “Promise me, must come out alive.”

“Well, I promise you, stay alive.”

After finally pacifying Yi Xiu’er, Yang Xuan didn’t have any cultivation afterwards. He accompanied Yi Xiu’er all day to chase and play, talking about love.

Yi Xiu’er understands that Yang Xuan is about to leave, and she doesn’t know when she will return. She is very responsive to Yang Xuan.

In addition to the absence of the final level of breakthrough, she even put aside the reservations of her daughter’s family and served Yang Xuan with her little mouth.

Swear to God, this is not what Yang Xuan asked, but he also deeply realized Yi Xiu’er’s affection for him, and secretly vowed to take care of this beautiful little fox girl in the future and not let her suffer. .

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

“Bad guy, if something happens to you, I will never live alone, so you must come out alive.”

“Don’t worry, it will take two to three months or as long as half a year. Come out of the imperial pagoda, even if you don’t come out, you can’t make mistakes.”

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