“Brother Feiyang, don’t show mercy, kill Jia Haiyun.”

“Jia Haiyun, are you not one of the masters of the deserted state? There is a way to stand up with me Feiyang one-on-one Singled out.”

“A sinister and sly villain that’s all, does he dare?”

A group of martial artists from Yunlan Valley are excited and cheer for Ye Feiyang. , And did not forget to humiliate Jia Haiyun.

“hmph, why not dare.”

Jia Haiyun is coldly snorted, striding out without fear, and his fighting intent rises.

This is the life and death duel, and he can’t shrink back in full view, nor can he shrink back.

Otherwise, if the news is announced, the world will still have a false reputation as one of the ten outstanding geniuses in the deserted state.

“Let’s do it.”

Ye Feiyang stands with a sword, his body is lightning surging, and his power is amazing.

Like Jia Haiyun, he is also one of the top ten in the deserted state. As the name suggests, the top ten in the deserted state is the ten most outstanding young martial artist in this area of ​​the deserted state. Far beyond the cultivation base.

“Come on, Big Brother Jia, kill this surnamed Ye and remove him from the top ten in the desert.”

“What the hell is one of the top ten in the desert, if not The cultivation base is high enough, I can kill him within ten strokes.”

A group of martial artists from Heifengzhai also shouted without showing weakness.


No need for any nonsense, Jia Haiyun rushed forward, waving the ghost knife in his hand, and a scarlet-red flame Blade Qi struck shatter void, slashing towards Ye Feiyang .

“Ordinary attacks are useless to me. Use your Absolute Art in Heifengzhai.”

Ye Feiyang’s black hair is flying, with one arm raised, and a sword facing Blade Qi. .

It’s just a casual sword, but it’s like a thunder-luan hitting the sky. The blue lightning from the sword is gushing out, turning into a thunder sword qi, carrying an incomparable might of destruction, sweeping accurately On the incoming Blade Qi.

With a bang, sword energy and Blade Qi violently collided, an energy storm swept across, and the ground was first flattened by a few feet, and the sand and rocks collapsed and flew.

At the same time, many martial artists from Heifengzhai and Yunlan Valley who watched the game all went backward involuntarily.

This energy storm is too terrifying, not only carrying a lot of rubble, but also containing the terrifying thunder-fire atmosphere, making each of them feel heart palpitations and have to retreat far away .

Only Jia Haiyun and Ye Feiyang were left in the hundred zhang for a time, and none of the others dared to get too close to the battlefield.

Fortunately, they still propped up the Origin Force shield. The two top ten geniuses in the barren state fought, and the aftermath caused too terrifying, or else they sacrificed the Origin Force shield, they simply did not Way to stand.

“There are some abilities, it seems that I don’t want to come up with some means, I really can’t take you.”

“There is so much nonsense, this time it is my turn to attack first.”

Ye Fei leaped up to a height of more than ten meters.

He is holding the sky with one hand, and the long sword in his hand is densely covered with thunder and lightning. He slashes down violently. The Thunder Attribute Origin Force instantly transforms into a huge thunder sword qi, gorgeous and dazzling, violent. The sound was shaking.

“What secret technique is this!?”

Jia Haiyun changed color, and at a glance he could see that this thunder sword qi destructive power was amazing.

“This is the thunder and thunder of the ten directions. I got it from an ancient immortal mansion six months ago.”

Ye Feiyang went down with the sword, imposing manner like a rainbow, a sword With a huge thunder sword qi, he slashed towards Jia Haiyun with lightning speed.

“The 9th layer flame wave kills!”

Jia Haiyun roared, and the ghost sword in his hand burst out with nine flames Blade Qi, which confronted the incoming thunder sword qi.


It looks like two giant peaks are blasting against each other, the flames are fierce, and the thunder and lightning are everywhere. This place is full of glory and is invisible.

Heifengzhai and Yunlangu are all shocked. Ye Feiyang and Jia Haiyun are worthy of being one of the top ten. The strength of the two is too strong, far surpassing the peers, and they are just a fight. This caused such a terrifying sight.

Everyone understands that if they are in the center of the explosion at this moment, they are absolutely crushed, die without a whole corpse.



Two coldly shouted in a row, the two in the Guanghua Center have not yet decided the winner, each is Exercising fierce fighting skills, giving up life and forgetting death, a large number of rays of light burst out, shocking people.

From the ground to the sky, the two of them fought with swords and fought dozens of times in a blink of an eye. The lightning flashed all over the body, like a Thunderbolt War god, and the other bathed in red fire, like killing a god in fire.

The two bodies flickered, and the speed of each other was incredible. Continuously swinging the sword and shaking hard, every time they collided, the light of thunder-fire burst out.

“Jia Haiyun, do you only have this strength?”

“Asshole, I want you to die, the fire will rain!”

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