Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, thinking that Outer Domain probably refers to Sacred Domain Great World.

However, he didn’t mean to reveal his identity. Instead, he said, “I have lived in the depths of the mountain range of the Great Wilderness since I was a child, and I don’t know what the Outland you are talking about is.”

“Open What a joke, there are countless wild beasts in the Great Wilderness mountain range, which is extremely dangerous. You can pick some spiritual medicine in it. It’s not bad. What else is it that we have been living in it since we were young, when we are fools?”

A martial artist in Heifengzhai sneered.

“Have you entered the depths of the mountain range of the Great Wilderness, do you know what’s inside?”

Yang Xuan smiled contemptuously, jumped off the boulder, and said to Jia Haiyun:” The nonsense ends here, you’d better take out all the ability, otherwise you will die after the two moves.”

“boast shamelessly, I don’t believe I can’t kill you.”

Jia Haiyun Enraged, his figure soared into the air and slashed fiercely.


Heavenly blade qi exploded, and Yang Xuan was enveloped below.

This is a secret technique that continues to rain, covering a huge area, covering the area around the hundred zhang.

Jia Haiyun believes that under this move, Yang Xuan can’t hide.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Yang Xuan’s bloody wings spread out and his figure disappeared instantly.

bang bang bang!! !

A large number of Blade Qi fell, blasting the earth with holes, and flying sand and rocks.

This time, many martial artists in Heifengzhai are silent, because they have learned from the past, they dare not determine whether Yang Xuan is alive or dead.

“Impossible, you can avoid such an attack!”

Jia Haiyun seemed to have discovered something, and screamed in surprise.

“You have one last trick left.”

An indifferent voice came, and everyone looked up, only to realize that Yang Xuan had come to several dozen. The height of meters.

On his ribs, a pair of blood-colored giant wings spread out across the sky, seven or eight meters in size, and the whole body shone with fascinating blood light.

“A pair of scarlet wings, what!?”

“Martial Spirit, must be some kind of powerful beast Martial Spirit!”

A group of black Fengzhai martial artist yelled.

“You are by no means Martial Spirit!”

Jia Haiyun’s eyes narrowed, and his voice was full of strong shock and fear.

Let’s not talk about how strong Yang Xuan is, just this pair of strange blood-colored giant wings allows him to always remain invincible.

“Don’t be frightened and flustered, let’s make a move.”

Yang Xuan slightly lowered his head, looking down at Jia Haiyun, with a low voice, but made Jia Haiyun tremble both physically and mentally.

He has a feeling that if he still can’t do anything with Yang Xuan in his next attack, then he will die here and be killed by the weird white clothed youth above.

At this moment, there was absolute silence in the audience, and everyone felt the confidence of Only I Am Supreme from Yang Xuan’s words.

“No, I have to go, otherwise I will die.”

For a brief moment, Jia Haiyun was scared, turned around and fled, running fast, regardless of the life and death of many of his companions. .

“Want to go, do you think it is possible?”

Yang Xuan looked cold, as if he had expected Jia Haiyun to escape, he took out a long sword, a sword Cut out in the air.


A huge golden sword energy ran across the distance of several hundred zhang all of a sudden. With only a bang, Jia Haiyun couldn’t even make a scream, and was instantly smashed by sword energy.

Chapter 573 Desolate Ancient Continent

Under the Sun Zhenyuan, Profound Truth of Fire, and 3rd-layer Slaughter Sword Intent, Jia Haiyun can hardly contend even with Three Heads and Six Arms.

Don’t talk about contending, and even before dodge, I was bombarded with flying ash by the sword energy sent by Yang Xuan, leaving nothing behind.

“Big Brother Jia is dead!”

A group of martial artists from Heifengzhai are cold and cold. On the verge of collapse, they only feel that the sky is falling.

This is a young genius that they have encountered in Heifengzhai for hundreds of years. They were actually killed in front of one’s eyes by a white clothed youth effortless with a low cultivation base.

“Dead! One sword kills in seconds!”

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