The voice fell, but there was no answer for a long time, which made many martial artists of Yunlan Valley feel uneasy, and their hearts became more and more uneasy. I don’t know why their Valley Master refused to show up. .

“I was still a little uncertain, but now it seems that you were seriously injured when you went to the ancient territory six months ago!”

Jiu Mingkong expressed a haze, coldly smiled in his mouth, and attacked He also became more unscrupulous, and while waving his big hand, hundreds of black flames rushed down, blasting on the earth’s evil formation one after another.

These black flames are the black flames of the Great Sun, one after another, they fell on the Great Earth Demon Formation, causing great damage to the Great Earth Demon Formation. The naked eye can see many places on the pale-yellow light curtain. Cracking.

“What’s the matter, isn’t the owner of the valley secluded cultivation? When did I go to the ancient territory and suffered serious injuries!”

Countless martial artists turn pale with fright in Yunlan Valley .

This news is really shocking.

At first they didn’t believe it, but seeing that the Lord of the Valley hadn’t appeared for a long time, they all understood that this was probably true.

“How do you know that our valley owner is injured!?”

Five Yunlan Elder Gu also changed color when they heard the words of Jiu Mingkong, one was tall, with white temples The old man yelled and asked: “Say, where did you learn about this?”

“When you die, you will still ask what happened.”

Jiu Mingkong grinned, His hands did not stop, one after another Dahi Heiyan slammed, and the ground trembled endlessly, and the cracks were also expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Around him, the seven divine force Elders in Heifengzhai were not idle, and they were all attacking the ground.

Seven people, five old man, two middle-aged robust man, all of them are sturdy, full of baleful qi, the lowest of the cultivation base has the division force 3 Heavenly Layer, the highest of the cultivation base Even reached the divine force level 8 Heavenly Layer.

“No way, the big formation can’t support it!”

“What should we do, what should we do!?”

There are more and more cracks, and many Yunlan Valley martial artists panic. Even the five Yunlan Elder Gu are extremely anxious.

They couldn’t be more clear about the Valley Lord’s injuries, knowing that even if the Valley Lord broke through, it would be difficult to contend with Jiu Mingkong.

Jiu Mingkong saw the five people full of worry, and said gloomily: “Aren’t you curious why I know that Yun Lanfeng is hurt? I will tell you all. It was revealed by a young junior of your Yunlan Valley.”

“Damn, our Yunlan Valley is a traitor.”

“It’s useless to say this now, I Later, I will try my best to stop Yu Mingkong, and the four of you will bring a group of people to break through.”

“How can this work, based on your cultivation base, it is basically impossible to be Yu Mingkong’s opponent.”

Just as the five Yunlan Elder Gu secretly communicated, the earth evil array rang with a loud noise, and then collapsed into the sky, and Yunlan Valley was completely exposed to the martial of the many black wind villages above. In the eyes of the artist.

“Haha, the battle is broken!”

Heifengzhai martial artist is excited.

“It’s over!”

Many Yunlangu martial artists are as if was struck by lightning, shaking all over, almost everyone has a look of despair on their faces.

Their valley master did not even show up even after the big formation broke, which means that the injury is extremely serious, and even the retreat is isolated from everything, and there is no outside movement at all.

“Acknowledge allegiance, or die!”

Suddenly, a cold and severe sound came, shaking this world, and the sound contained a huge murderous intention, which shocked people.

Chapter 575 Seeing death as home

acknowledge allegiance?

Or die?

The martial artist of Yunlan Valley is rising cold all over, lifting the head one by one, looking at the Jiu Mingkong standing on the sky in panic.

Jiu Mingkong hands behind ones back, wearing a black robe hunting, his eyes flickering coldly, the whole person is as breathtaking as a Demon God.

His expression is cold, condescendingly looking down at the crowd below, without any emotion, “This seat must do what you say. As long as you sincerely submit to my Black Wind Village, then this seat will not only spare you not to die, I will treat you equally.”

“I, Yunlan Valley, is not bad to you. Who dares to sell the owner to ask for glory, this Elder will kill you.”

A hot temper. The Yunlan Elder Gu roared like thunder.

“courting death!”

Jiu Mingkong’s eyes were cold, and he raised his hand to a palm, and a giant hand covering the sky with the size of several ten zhang fell in the sky, burning terrifying all over the body black flame.

“Be careful!”

“Shoot together!”

Five Yunlan Elder Gu shots one after another, without any reservations, nor dare to have reservations, after all They were facing the master of Heifengzhai, Jiu Mingkong, even if Jiu Mingkong was just a casual blow, the formidable power would be underestimated.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

Five rays of light are like a Dragon Snake dancing wildly, soaring into the sky with boundless divine force, and blasting on the giant hand.

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