Yunlan within the valley absolute silence, everyone felt the unprecedented crisis. Many of the women were so scared that they turned pale and sat slumped on the ground, not knowing What nonsense.

Countless young men are like falling into an ice cellar, with cold heads and feet.

What should I do?

Do you want to abandon the Yunlan Valley that raised yourself since childhood?

After a while, someone couldn’t stand it and said to the person on the side: “Father, now the enemy is strong and I am weak, let’s surrender.”

“Asshole thing, what are you talking about Then, for the father, rather die than submit.”

“In that case, I forgive my child unfilial.”

“Unfilial son, you unfilial son.”

“Big brother, take care, I don’t want to die yet.”

“Come on, stay here and you will definitely die.”


Various voices one after another In a blink of an eye, hundreds of people rose into the sky. Some people even abandon their relatives and friends in order to survive.

“Very well, a wise man submits to circumstances. From now on, you will be the people of my Heifengzhai. One day this seat will win the world, and you will enjoy endless high position and great wealth. .”

Jiu Mingkong burst into laughter, his expression extremely triumphant.

“A group of villains that’s all greedy for life and fear of death, why don’t you give it to you? I have to thank you for coming to this seat. If you hadn’t come here, how could I know that my Yunlan Valley remained So many black sheep.”

Suddenly, a mocking sneer came. Although the voice was not loud, it contained great power and moved everything.


next moment, a certain place on the giant peak deep in the valley exploded. Amidst a large number of rocks and avalanches, a silhouette came out in the sky at several hundred zhang Stand tall in the sky.

This is a middle-aged man, about 40 years old, with a thick black hair, flying around in the mountain breeze.

His stature is tall and stalwart, a white robe, untainted by even a speck of dust, and a majestic and handsome appearance, just standing there, like a giant mountain standing on the ground, capable of supporting people A piece of sky.

“Valley Master!”

Countless martial artists of Yunlan Valley fell to their knees, tears in their eyes, excited and excited.

In the critical moment, their Valley Lord finally appeared.

Although you may not be able to deal with Jiu Mingkong despite the injury, the owner of the valley not at all abandon them.

“Mighty and unyielding, you performed very well. Even if this seat is dead today, it will cut a blood path for you.”

The middle-aged man looks around the audience. , The voice was unusually loud, and there was no sign of injury. It was Yun Lanfeng, the master of the Valley of Clouds.

Don’t look at him as young, but that’s maintaining a young appearance.

In fact, he, like Yu Mingkong, has been cultivated for thousands of years and has the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak.

“Valley Lord, I am waiting to coexist and die with Yunlan Valley!”

The martial artist of Yunlan Valley regards death as home and said in unison.

“Valley Lord, let’s fight against the treacherous villains of Heifengzhai.”

“Fight, let me die without regret.”

Five A Yunlan Elder Gu rises up, standing side by side behind Yunlanfeng, although the injury obtain is not light, as long as one breath is still there, they will fight to death with the people in Heifengzhai.

“Defeated also dare to speak up!”

Jiu Mingkong smiled contemptuously, and did not even look at the five Yunlan Elder Gu.

His eyes are always fixed on Yun Lanfeng. As the master of the first valley of Yunlan Valley, Yun Lanfeng is very powerful and his rival.

However, Yun Lanfeng was injured, so he was not afraid, and said: “It turns out that Divine Soul was seriously injured. No wonder he failed to recover completely after half a year of cultivation.”

“Nonsense, fight if you want to fight.”

“Well, I will meet you and see how you can block me.”

Hao Mingkong’s figure disappeared out of thin air , Appeared on the top of Yun Lanfeng’s head in an instant, with a palm holding Mount Tai’s momentum, fiercely smashed down.

“Go down!”

Yun Lan Feng waved the sleeve, five Yun Lan Elder Gu suddenly couldn’t control them, and all flew down.

“Valley Master!”

The five people changed their colors and understood that their Valley Master wanted one person to fight against Yu Mingkong and the others.

Yun Lan looked like no one beside the wind, and his whole body increased in an imposing manner. A right hand was lifted, and a palm greeted him strongly, and hit the palm of Yu Mingkong fiercely.

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