Don’t say that young people like Yang Xuan, even in the ordinary powerhouse of divine force, dare not speak wild words in front of Yu Mingkong , because it will lead to serious disasters and consequences. Unimaginable.

Jiu Mingkong was taken aback when he heard Yang Xuan’s words, and then extremely angry laughed.

“Why, because this seat is the powerhouse of Divine Force Peak, and you, a yellow mouth child that’s all with hairs not even grown yet.”

Yang Xuan face Not surprised, said without thinking: “High cultivation base does not mean strong strength, especially if you are seriously injured now, it is not bad to be able to show 60% strength.”

“You are right. , This Majesty’s indeed injury obtain is not light, but it’s easy to deal with you.”

Jiu Mingkong grinned, and the murderous intention in a pair of eyes was revealed.

“Is that right, I really don’t believe it anymore.”

Yang Xuan is fearless, with his hands on his chest, condescendingly looking at Jiu Mingkong, pupil light carrying a Kind of strong overlook meaning.

“Courting death, even if you dare to speak rudely to the owner of Black Wind Village.”

“Asshole thing, quickly slap yourself, and then hand over the Divine Boat, otherwise You can’t eat it and go around.”

The seven Elders in Heifengzhai screamed.

“Well, your master hasn’t spoken yet, why do you shout, you dog minions?”

Yang Xuan yelled, screamed, and passed on All over this world.

“gu lu!”

Many martial artists in Yunlan Valley swallowed their saliva, even Yun Lanfeng was surprised.

His cultivation has so far not seen a young martial artist who is arrogant and unscrupulous, but compared with Yang Xuan, those people he has seen before are not worth mentioning.

Don’t talk about the small barren state, looking at the entire barren ancient continent, there has never been anyone who dared to scorn the seven powerhouses of the divine force state with the cultivation base of first entering the same state.

Chapter 580, let’s go together.

“It’s crazy!”

In Feitianzhou, except that Ye Feiyang is a little better, everyone else is staring. With rounded eyes, the mouth is opened wide, and every face is full of shock.

This hasn’t even started the war, Yang Xuan opened his mouth and scolded the seven Heifengzhai Elders as dog minions, and filled the hatred all at once.

It is conceivable that when the fighting breaks out, how ferocious the seven will be. It is estimated that they will have the heart to devour Yang Xuan alive.

“It’s supercilious!”

“Everyone, Elder, kill this kid, and die for us, brother, to avenge you.”

In the distance, those black winds who escaped The martial artist’s eyes were red, and all of them were filled with righteous indignation, and the rage rang into one, wishing to rush over to unload Yang Xuan, cramping and peeling skin.

“What is noisy, do you want to play with me again?”

The baby snorts dissatisfiedly, and the round voice comes from the flying boat, immediately When the martial artist of Heifengzhai changed their colors, all kinds of voices stopped abruptly.

Everyone is like being pinched by a pair of invisible big hands, and they don’t dare to break half of their ass anymore, fearing that the baby will drive the flying boat to kill them.

For them, Feitianzhou is a ultimate weapon. No matter how crowded they are, they can hardly withstand the collision of this big guy, and hit anyone to death.

“Boy, your mouth is too stinky.”

“If this child is not eliminated, it is difficult to dispel my hatred.”

” , This child crime deserving ten thousand deaths, let the subordinates go down and kill him.”

The seven major Heifengzhai Elder yelled again and again. A fierce Heifengzhai divine force realm Elder is already intolerable, Jiu Mingkong below said, vowing to kill Yang Xuan to vent his anger.

“This kid will be dealt with by this seat, don’t move.”

Jiu Mingkong opened his mouth, guarding against Yun Lanfeng not far away while staring at Yang Xuan.

“I’m standing here, it depends on how you deal with me.”

Yang Xuan face doesn’t change, bowing his head and looking at Jiu Mingkong.

“Boy, I have to say that you are really crazy, but the madness also depends on people. Impudent in front of me, Hao Mingkong, you are bound to end badly.”

Jiu Mingkong looked gloomy and authentic.

“What a mighty prestige!”

Yun Lanfeng chuckled lightly and said ironically: “Jiu Mingkong, Jiu Mingkong, you are still the master of a village, so you Is there only a threat to the ability of a junior?”

“Shut up, this matter has nothing to do with you.”

Yu Mingkong said angrily.

“I am a nosy person, what can you do to me?”

Although Yun Lanfeng was seriously injured, he was quite strong in his words.

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