
“This kid is too mad, he is destined to pay for it.”

Many martial artists in Heifengzhai talked in low voices, I wish Yang Xuan die without a whole corpse.

Not long ago, the people in their Heifengzhai were killed by Feitianzhou. So far there are only 4000-5000 people left, and many of them are injured.

Although it is Artifact Spirit that controls the wantonly slaughter of Feitianzhou, they also hate Yang Xuan, the owner of the Feitianzhou.

Because there is no command from the master, Artifact Spirit is impossible to kill them for no reason.

“Whatever you dare to, just go personal.”

Jiu Mingkong was unhappy, impatient and authentic.

“Why is it so troublesome, let the seven of them get together, save me and wait for the next one to kill.”

Yang Xuan blurted out.

“Beast, your sin is unforgivable.”

Seven Heifengzhai divine force realm Elder That’s an anger!

Their cultivation has become calm and sophisticated for many years. It is difficult for them to get angry with them, but after hearing Yang Xuan’s arrogant words, they only feel that their lungs are about to explode.

“yellow mouth child, old man waits and swears not to be a man without cutting your tongue.”

An aquiline nose old man could not bear it, stepped out, step by step towards Yang Xuan forced to come.

Yang Xuan black hair flew up, glanced at the other side obliquely, said without thinking: “The cultivation base that’s all of Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer, do you think you can deal with me?”

“A lunatic, the old man can completely lose your resistance with one move.”

The aquiline nose old man thunderbolt was furious.

“Really, let’s see the real chapter below, but before the war, we should come and announce your name, lest I wait to kill you and don’t even know your name and name. “

Yang Xuan’s mouth must not be venomous. One sentence made the aquiline nose old man almost run away on the spot. His eyes were red and he roared angrily: “You little bastard don’t deserve to know the old man.” Name.”

“Don’t tell me.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, and said: “So many people are watching, so hurry up to fight.”


The aquiline nose old man said nothing, but the speed was increased by dozens or hundreds of times, and he was slaughtered with lightning speed.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, with his feet standing in the void, and a black robe flying in the wind.

This is the cloak of shadow, he has been wearing it on the way to Yunlan Valley.

After all, what he is going to face is several divine force powerhouses. No matter how arrogant he is, he dare not be careless. In short, he is prepared.

Chapter 581 The old man is also angry


The aquiline nose old man roars, and its sound is like an eagle, shocking people.

His big hand came out swiftly, a Cold Attribute divine force was released, and it instantly turned into a huge crampon. It was more than ten feet in size. The whole body was crystal clear and near-transparent, and the cold was overflowing. Yang Xuan was shrouded below.

Seeing this scene, countless martial artists in Yunlan Valley feel terrified.

Ye Feiyang and the others also changed color, I don’t know how Yang Xuan should respond.

Everyone can see the power of this crampon, and thinks that it is absolutely unstoppable with their own cultivation base.

However, if Yang Xuan is so calm and self-assured, he is confident that he must have extraordinary ability.

No one thinks Yang Xuan is a fool, including Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng, everyone knows that this mysterious black robed youth is a genius.

Only geniuses also have to look at the cultivation base. With Yang Xuan’s current cultivation base, it’s hard to say whether it can deal with a powerhouse in the destiny state, and how can it be said that it is a powerhouse of the 5 Heavenly Layer in the divine force state.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, something shocking happened. I saw Yang Xuan’s figure sway, and he suddenly moved out from under the huge crampons.

“Did off!?”

The aquiline nose old man was taken aback, and immediately furious.

The powerhouse of the dignified divine force environment 5 Heavenly Layer, one blow actually didn’t touch the clothes corner of a newcomer to the first level.

Once the news is publicized, his reputation is bound to plummet. I don’t know how many will secretly mock him for having a cultivation base.

“old man, do you only have this ability?”

At this time, a lazily’s voice resounded all over the world, who was it not Yang Xuan?

Every word and deed is full of strong self-confidence, showing invincible posture.

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