Although Yunlan Valley is a valley, but within the valley peaks are stacked, but in the battle between Yunlanfeng and Jiu Mingkong , many places were greatly damaged. outer.

Looking up, a large area of ​​vegetation collapsed, and many mountain peaks were razed to the ground. Even if some of them did not collapse, the buildings above were also destroyed, not one of ten.

The mountain where Yang Xuan is located is the main peak in the depths of the valley. In addition to a magnificent temple, there is also a huge square on the top of the mountain. All around the square is built Quite a few pavilions.

Ye Feiyang and the others slightly startled, dropping from the sky one after another, came to the pavilion.

The pavilion is very large, with more than a dozen people sitting at two tables, one of which is full of various colorful Spiritual Artifacts, almost 99% are high grade Spiritual Artifact and top grade Spiritual Artifact, you can see People are dazzled.

This is the collection in the storage ring of Jiu Mingkong. Yang Xuan just took out a little and filled the table.

“Lots of treasures!”

“Yu Mingkong is vicious and merciless. I don’t know how many people have been killed in these years. It’s not surprising that there are so many collections.”


Everyone discusses spiritedly, except for Ye Feiyang, it is difficult for everyone else to look away from the Spiritual Artifact full of tables.

Yang Xuan showed a smile on his face, and said with pride and pride: “You have a share, you have something to look at, please pick one.”

“This is Brother Yang’s spoils, I can’t ask for it absolutely.”

Ye Feiyang hurriedly said.

“Yes, Brother Yang not only saved us, but also helped us turn peril into safety in Yunlangu. We are too grateful, so how can we ask for your things?”

Others waved their hands again and again.

Chapter 586 Void Technique

“Two elder sisters, really don’t want it?”

Yang Xuan smiled and looked towards Xiao at the same table Yun and another beautiful green skirt woman.

The two women stared at a small sword and a short blade respectively. These are two top grade Spiritual Artifacts. Both the quality and the shape are very gorgeous and quite eye-catching.

The Divine Item is rare in the desert ancient continent, but there is no shortage of Spiritual Artifact.

However, there are relatively few treasures like top grade Spiritual Artifact, and there are only so many existences such as Jiu Mingkong. If you replace it with an ordinary divine force martial artist, can you come up with a few? Each piece is a problem.

Hearing Yang Xuan’s laughter, the two women woke up like a dream, each flushed, and shook their heads together, “We don’t want it.”

“Really don’t?”

Yang Xuan smiled brightly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, looking at Xiaoyun and the green skirt woman with a playful expression.

green skirt woman has a quiet personality, as if she can’t stand his gaze, she lowered her head a little shyly, while Xiaoyun was more cheerful, with her hands on her hips, and said in detail: “What is your guy laughing? , I said no.”

“haha, just kidding, take it, it’s a gift from the younger brother to the two.”

Yang Xuan laughed heartily, grabbed the little one. The sword and the short blade were forced to give to two women

“hmph, this is what you forced to me.”

“Thank you Young Master Yang.”

Compared with Xiaoyun, the green skirt woman is much gentler, and the eyes looking towards Yang Xuan have a strange color.

Yang Xuan has a lot of soulmates, but I don’t want to get into trouble again.

He pretended not to see it, looked around at other people, and said: “I, Yang Xuan, don’t often give away things. There will be no shop after this village. You can choose one together.”

Except for the two women, everyone else turned their eyes to Ye Feiyang.

As a small team that goes out all the year round for experience, they always regard Ye Feiyang as their head. If they don’t get Ye Feiyang’s approval, they will not move.

“Brother Ye, you can’t do it, but you can’t be a villain.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Ai, Brother Yang is very kind, so you can choose one of them.”

Ye Feiyang shook his head, helpless and funny.

“Okay, I want this Spirit Sword.”

“Hey, don’t grab it, this sword is obviously my first.”

“What do you think, who makes you slow?”

“Well, there are so many Spirit Swords here, I just choose another one.”

Just as more than a dozen people gathered around to select Spiritual Artifact, Yang Xuan and Ye Feiyang came to sit on a fence of the pavilion.

Yang Xuan didn’t say much, he directly took out a pot of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven from the storage ring and threw it to Ye Feiyang.

“Hehe, I am a good wine, so you are welcome.”

Ye Feiyang has quick eyes and quick hands, and he takes it away without pretense. This is really good wine. He can’t bear to drink now.

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