Chapter 594 appear and disappear unpredictably

Yang Xuan expression is calm and not deterred by Kunwu’s attack.

He stands in the void, white clothes lightly, Purgatory Sword in his hands can be cut or split, sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

hong long long!

Like a volcanic eruption, and like a sea hitting the sky, sword energy collided and exploded one after another with palm strength, rumbling, and terrifying power, making the sky completely boiling, and the eye was full of dazzling brilliance .

“Ice Soul Palm!”

Kunwu attacked for a long time without any success, with anger and strength, both palms erupted, and palm strength filled the sky.

“haha, happy! Really happy!”

Yang Xuan is not afraid to laugh back, his body shape suddenly left, suddenly right, tossing around, like catkins following the wind, giving people a kind of Feeling erratic.

At the same time, he kept swinging his sword and sending out sword energy without stopping, and fought against Kunwu fiercely.

For a time, there are endless noises from high above the sky, rays of light tens of thousands, ripples, energy fluctuations like the tide of the river, it is almost like destroying everything.

This battle made everyone feel terrified, one by one kept their eyes on, for fear of missing something.

“Evil creature, you angered me.”

At this moment, Kunwu went crazy and didn’t keep his hands.

He palms the sword together, and the sword slams through the sky, and a shock of heavenly blade qi sweeps out, destroying all the sword energy.

“A good secret technique, you should have used it long ago.”

Yang Xuan nodded, a shift in position, avoiding the howling Blade Qi.

“This Majesty’s secrets are so many, if you don’t want to capture you alive, do you think you can survive?”

Kunwu screams, a right hand The giant ice hand, which turned into several ten zhang, stretched out in front of Yang Xuan.

This is obviously another powerful secret technique that makes Yang Xuan feel unprecedented pressure.

He stood upright all over his body, and walked back quickly.

“Don’t want to escape again this time.”

Kunwu’s face is fierce, the ice giant is rising in the storm, and he rushes to Yang Xuan in an instant, trying to take him down in one fell swoop.


Suddenly, Yang Xuan’s figure flickered and disappeared.

“Invisible Secret Treasure!”

Kunwu startedled, then shook his head, “No, even the breath fluctuation is gone, this is Space Secret Technique!”

“What, Space Secret Technique!”

The martial artist of Yunlan Valley is not calm at all.

They all know that Yang Xuan has got the big Void Technique of their Valley Master, but how long has it been before? Is it that he has not been able to practice it?

“Valley Lord, what Yang Xuan is displaying is a big Void Technique!?”

Ye Feiyang took three steps and took two steps, and quickly came to Yun Lanfeng’s side.

“Well, it’s a big Void Technique.”

Yun Lanfeng nodded, his expression on his face couldn’t see much, but he had already set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Be aware that it took him two full months to barely practice the Void Technique, and it took only a few days for a weaker champion to master this Supreme Divine Ability.

“He actually did it!”

Ye Feiyang was dumbfounded, his face full of incredible color.

“His talent is too high, it is rare in the world!”

Yun Lanfeng sighed.

A person’s talent is innate and cannot be forced, but Yang Xuan’s talent is also too high, which he has only seen in his life.

“Boy, the patience of this seat is limited. If you don’t come out again, this seat will raze the Yunlan Valley to the ground.”

Kunwu is a little angry, because His Divine Consciousness was unable to catch any clues.

“Kunwu, you are bully intolerably.”

Yun Lanfeng is furious, complexion ashen.

He absolutely didn’t expect, dignified Half-Step Supreme actually used them Yunlan Valley to threaten a young junior who had just entered the first state.

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