a mouthful of blood spouted from his mouth, Ji Hu as if was struck by lightning, his face was as gray as death, and he roared in pain.

“No, impossible, you, are you a man or a ghost!?”

“Of course I am a man, and you are about to become a ghost.”

A silhouette is here Appearing in front of Ji Hu, who is not Yang Xuan?

He was cold between his eyebrows, and he drew out the long sword casually, bringing out a large amount of blood.

“cough cough…”

Ji Hu on the verge of collapse, blood continuously gushes from his mouth.

He glared his eyes, his hands clasped his neck tightly, and he almost exhausted his last strength to say: “Bastard, I, my Young Master will not let you go.”

After that, his eyes lost the brilliance, and his body fell straight down.

In an instant, a powerhouse that first entered the divine force realm with the Dragon Order in his hand fell.

“Dead, kill!”

“Is this still a human!?”

“Too terrifying, he must have hidden the cultivation base, otherwise how about Can break Jihu’s protective body divine force!?”

The audience was in an uproar. The crowd looked at Jihu who fell in a pool of blood, then looked at standing with a sword, black hair flying, Expression Yang Xuan, who is indifferent, feels that he has one’s hair stand on end for a while.

This white clothed kid is too scary, especially the calm after killing people, it seems that the killer is not a person, but a dog.

At this moment, even Xiao Jingrong’s face is changing colors.

As powerful as him, he was also astonished by Yang Xuan’s appear and disappear unpredictably concealment technique and a swift sword, and his feet felt cold.

He understands that since Yang Xuan can kill Ji Hu in seconds, he can also kill him in seconds.

His powerhouse of the divine force realm 2 Heavenly Layer, I am afraid that even Yang Xuan’s clothes corner can’t be touched and he will be on the spot.

“Brother Hu!”

“What are you doing? Let’s go together and take revenge for Brother Hu!”

A group of dozens of Ji Hu’s men He shouted again and again, but despite his screaming, no one dared to cross the thunder pool for half a step. Everyone’s feet were as heavy as lead and it was difficult to move a half step.

“Killing one person is also killing, killing two is also killing. Since you have already done your hands, don’t keep one.”

coldly snorted, Yang Xuan glanced away and locked The black clothed man who was holding a thick rope and was going to tie Xiao Yun’er up and take away not long ago.

“Young Hero, forgive me!”

The black clothed man turned pale and hurriedly asked for mercy.

Even Ji Hu who took the lead was pierced to death by a sword. How could his cultivation base beat Yang Xuan?


Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows, cold and severe saying: “cut off his own arm, I will spare you not to die.”


The black clothed man trembled.

“Why, want me to do it myself?”

Yang Xuan has a smile at the corner of his mouth, very sunny.

However, this smile was seen in the eyes of the black clothed man, but it looked like Death God was smiling, not to mention it was more pervasive, he just felt that he could barely breathe.

“I only give you 3 breaths time. If you refuse to cut off his own arm, then I will let you behead.”

“I cut off his own arm, You, will you really let me go?”

“So many people are watching, can I still regret it?”

“Okay, I will cut off his own arm.”

“Wait, it’s not your left arm, but your right arm holding the rope.”

Hearing this, the black clothed man was stunned and said after a while: “I hope Young Hero does what it says.”

After finishing speaking, he frowned, pointed his left hand into a knife, and slashed it on his right shoulder.


A burst of blood splashed, and a right arm flew out, causing many onlookers to jump wildly with a formation eye skin.


The black clothed man curled up to the ground, clutching his broken arm and screaming, his painful face was distorted.

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