Yang Xuan ruthless The irony of the face.

“Ho ho…”

Xiao Jingrong clenched his fists, his upper and lower teeth rattled, but he couldn’t utter half a word.

He was afraid, he was afraid that Yang Xuan would be angered and he would be killed.

The crowd saw all this in their eyes, not to mention how shocked they were.

This is the owner of Xiao Family, a reverent Panlong Elder Gu. At the moment, he is humiliated by a Guiyi Realm boy, but he dare not even fart.

“Brother Leopard, then, is that man really Brother Xiao?”

“Who else could he be? I didn’t expect me to miss it.”


In the distance, several people talked in low voices. It was the leopard man and the others who had drunk with Yang Xuan in the restaurant not long ago.

“What are you talking about, that kid also surnamed Xiao?”

Someone nearby heard a few people talking and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

“Uh, what Xiao Feng, I don’t know.”

The leopard tribe man shook his head, not wanting to expose Yang Xuan’s identity.

Yang Xuan has sharp ears, so he heard something naturally.

He directed at the leopard clan and the others nodded without a trace, and then stepped to Xiao Yun’er, reaching out to hug her in his arms.

“Big Brother, I…”

“Well, didn’t I say that you are not an ominous person? Look, I’m still alive now, but Jihu and the others are all Dead.”

Yang Xuan smiled, and then he noticed something, shouted: “Come out, the peak powerhouse in the dignified divine force environment, is there the ability to hide the head and show the tail?”

“Very crazy, but with such strength at a young age, it has several points of arrogant capital.”

An old voice resounded throughout the world, and a silhouette appeared silently not far away. On a building at the place.

This is a black clothed old man. Although his face is old, his gestures exude a powerful force.

“pay respects to Valley Lord!”

Xiao Jingrong bowed.

“pay respects to the Valley Master.”

A few of the Cooling Dragon Valley martial artists came back to his senses, and they also bowed their heads, and their attitude was not good.

Obviously, the black clothed old man is the owner of the Cooling Dragon Valley, a cultivated 2,000-3,000-year-old man, deep and unmeasurable.

“Coiling Dragon Valley Valley Lord Pang Tianming actually came!”

“Strange, it stands to reason that Wuling City is not close to the Cooling Dragon Valley. Pang Tianming shouldn’t have come so quickly. .”

“Yes, even if someone is calling, at least a cup of tea is needed.”

“Don’t be frightened and flustered, the kid is too close to Xiao Yun’er Now that bad luck is in the hands, even if he kills Jihu and the others, he will not escape death.”

The crowd discusses spiritedly, all eyes are on Yang Xuan, not knowing how he will deal with Pang. Dawn.

“Wu wu, Big Brother, all blame me…”

Xiao Yun’er burst into tears, crying.

She was happy to see Yang Xuan killed Ji Hu and the others just now. Who knows that Ji Hu and the others just died, and another Pang Tianming came.

Although she is not very old, she also knows that Pang Tianming is a much better expert than his uncle Xiao Jingrong.

“Don’t cry, this has nothing to do with you, don’t blame yourself.”


“Of course, I never lie .”

“boasting, Big Brother lied just now.”


Yang Xuan was amused, of course he knew Xiao Yun’er was talking about killing the black clothed man by herself.

“You can still laugh when you die, this child is really not so courageous!”

Coiling Dragon Valley martial artist all sneered.

Although Yang Xuan killed Ji Hu and the others showed strength far beyond the cultivation base, but he is now facing the Valley Lord of the Cooling Dragon Valley, and no one thinks he can leave Wuling City alive .

“Seeing that I can still talk and laugh, I am more and more curious about your identity.”

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