The old man tears and grieves.

“Who did this? If I find out, I will definitely destroy his whole family and punish his nine clans.”

Qiu Qianchi vomited blood in anger.

In this battle, he was seriously injured, exhausted, and wasted a precious healing Spiritual Pill, especially the death of two of the Three Great Elders. The price was too high for him to bear.

However, just as he was about to catch his breath, a group of a dozen young men flew up quickly from the bottom of the mountain in fear.

“The owner, the major event is not good.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Qiu Qianchi only felt that his lungs were about to explode. , I thought what happened to me, why not a good thing coming one after another.

“The owner, the Castle Lord of Feiying Fort and Qingfeng Fort, came with a large number of people and horses.”

“What, Feiying Fort and Qingfeng Fort are here! “

Qiu Qianchi startedled, and then figured out what, angrily roared: “Jiang Feiying, Li Qingfeng, how dare you two unite to plot against my Hidden Dragon Mountain Village.”

“Zhuang Zhuang Qi is indeed a smart man, yes, the fire bird was attracted by us using the flame fruit.”

“Zhuang Zhuang Qi, don’t blame us, it’s you Hidden Dragon Mountain In recent years, Zhuang has stretched his hand too long, so that the brother under our hand complained, so we had to make a bad move. Fortunately, the plan was successful.”

Two voices came and made Hidden Dragon. The people in Mountain Village were alarmed, and all the martial artists from the Mountain Village quickly gathered around Qiu Qianchi.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

At the same time, under the leadership of a short white haired old man and a tall middle-aged man, there were hundreds of murderous-looking people flying up the mountain.

“Very well, you turn up without being invited, don’t even think about going down the mountain today.”

Qiu Qianchi cold and severe saying.

“haha, I haven’t seen him for half a year. Zhuangzhu Qiu is still so mad, but with your current physical condition, can you beat me and Li Qingfeng?”

white The haired old man laughed. It was Jiang Feiying, Castle Lord, a divine force powerhouse of 6 Heavenly Layer.

Beside him, the middle-aged man stands with a sword, and the cultivation base has reached the division force level 5 Heavenly Layer. Needless to say, it is Li Qingfeng, the owner of Qingfeng Fort.

“Owner, we fought with them.”

“That is, to kill us as a brother, this hatred is absolutely irreconcilable.”

A group of Hidden Dragons Mountain village martial artist was filled with righteous indignation and shouted to kill the sky.

However, Qiu Qianchi was silent.

If he is in good health, of course he will not be afraid of Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.

But he is injured now, within the body divine force is only 20%, plus Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng joined forces again, one against two he has no chance of winning, the worst result is war Die here.

“Why, the owner of Qiu is afraid?”

Li Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, faint smile authentically.

“Qiu Qianchi has crossed Hidden Dragon Mountain for many years, and my reputation has been smashed. I have never been afraid of anyone, let alone you two base and shameless villain.”

Qiu Qian Chi is extremely angry, and his voice is so loud that the world is shaking.

Chapter 606 The epicenter of the epicenter


“Qiu Qianchi, I advise you to be obediently surrender, otherwise you will become me today departed spirit under this sword .”

Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng spoke one after another.

“Stop dreaming, I will not surrender even if I die.”

Qiu Qianchi said angrily.

“Castle Lord, what are we waiting for, kill it.”

“Yes, there is only one Elder left in Hidden Dragon Mountain Village now, and there is still an injury. With our cultivation base, it can be easily killed.”

Two old men from the 3 Heavenly Layer of the divine force environment came to Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.

Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng looked at each other, without giving Qiu Qianchi too much time to breathe, they all rushed over.

“Try to kill all the people in Hidden Dragon Mountain Village, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain.”

Two old man follow closely from behind, with a group of hundreds People are killed.

“Kill, fight with the gangsters of Flying Eagle Fort and Qingfeng Fort.”

The martial artist of Hidden Dragon Mountain Village also moved, and the melee broke out for a while, everywhere. Blade Qi sword glow, the brilliance of various secret skills bloomed, and the sound shook the sky.

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