“Who are you?”

“A dying person that’s all, you don’t need to know who I am.”

Leave a word , Yang Xuan turned around and walked away, his figure was like a ghost, and a few leaps disappeared into the distance.

Qiu Qianchi was stunned, and his face was amazed.

He is seriously injured now, and it is difficult to even move his fingers. I thought Yang Xuan would take advantage of his mobile hand to kill him, but this kid actually left at the moment, and he didn’t even mean to kill him.

“Sure enough, here.”

“Kill, this time I can’t let him escape alive.”

Suddenly, two figures came whizzing around, exactly Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.


Qiu Qianchi turned pale with fright, he finally understood why Yang Xuan had to leave, because that kid probably already knew that Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng were going to kill sudden thrust.

“So surprised, what do you think we really left?”

“haha, Qiu Qianchi, you shouldn’t come out in a hurry.”

“I am perish together with you.”

“striking a stone with an egg.”


No doubt, Qiu Qian Chi died and was beaten to destroy both body and soul by Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.

On the top of a mountain, Yang Xuan stood long, gaze as if a torch, seeing all this in his eyes, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

In this series of incidents, he was on the sidelines and did not intervene.

This is the case, Qiu Qianchi, who was hit by the curse, died in the end. From here, we can see the terrifying of the curse.

However, the big curse technique also has its drawbacks.

If the luck gap between the caster and the subject is small, the curse effect will be greatly weakened.

Obviously, Qiu Qianchi’s energy calculations are not mostly strong, and he can always occupy the mountain as the king. It is also because he is cautious and cautious. Unfortunately, the passing years are not good, and he meets Yang Xuan who is planning to find someone to try the effect of the curse. .

“Let’s go.”

Yang Xuan patted his hands, changed his appearance and left the mountain, all the way to the black liquid lake.

Black liquid lake, as its name implies, is a piece of black water.

No one knows how deep the water is, because no one can go down.

According to legend, a powerful Black Dragon died at the bottom of the lake. The blood of the Black Dragon dyed the lake water black.

Of course, this is a legend. No one can tell whether it is true or not.

But one thing is certain, black liquid lakes have strong restrictions. Martial artists who exceed the divine force boundary will be swallowed by the lake when they enter the waters. Therefore, no supreme dare to set foot in the black liquid lake.

And martial artists below the supreme can only fly for a short time in the black liquid lake. If you want to cross the lake to the black liquid cliff, you must take a boat.

The so-called boat is not a spirit boat, but a wooden boat made of ordinary wood.

Only wooden boats can sail in the black liquid lake. If you change to a boat made of other materials, it will sink.

After learning about this, Yang Xuan was also full of curiosity about this weird black liquid lake. Of course, the purpose of his trip was to go to the black liquid cliff.

According to the big man of the leopard clan, the sword character on the black liquid cliff sword wall is extremely mysterious. According to the strength of the perception, the sword skills learned by each person are different.

Yang Xuan is a man of two generations, and he has strong confidence in his perception. You have to see what sword skill you can get from the sword character.

On the way, he didn’t use Feitianzhou either.

At his speed, he can reach the black liquid lake in a few days.

On the contrary, Xiao Yuner in the Feitianzhou has not woken up for a long time, which makes him somewhat worried.

Fortunately, the purgatory boy bluntly said that Xiao Yun’er would be fine, so he relaxed and did not stop all the way, fast as lightning.

Time flies, two days have passed.

At noon on this day, Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, into a deep mountain with many peaks and lush trees.

He decided to rest, eat something, and then continue on his way.

Not long after, the smell of meat in a forest clearing pervades.

Yang Xuan sits on the ground, gnawing on a beast’s leg, his mouth is greasy.

With his current cultivation base, it’s okay if he doesn’t eat or drink for a long time, but he just likes this bite, eating the fragrant roasted beast legs and taking out a pot of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven to drink Now, unspeakable carefree.

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