“Oh, listen to what you mean, do you dare to move me?”

“I am not troublesome, but I am never afraid of trouble. If someone sees my low cultivation base Bullying, then I don’t mind to loosen his muscles and bones for him.”

“Very well, it seems that you are courting death deliberately, so this Young Master will complete you.”

Kang’s expression was fierce, and he cursed at the dozen or so guards behind him: “A group of eateries are stupefied and they have been to kill him.”

“Yes, Second Young Master.”


A guard with a fiery temper and a cultivation base reaching the 5 Heavenly Layer of Fate Realm jumped up and rushed towards Yang Xuan fast as lightning.

Yang Xuan was fearless, before waiting for the opponent to approach, he kicked him out with a volley.

Although this foot did not use Origin Force, his fleshy body is unparalleled, and it is not what the opponent can bear. People will spout from mouth in mid-air. When they land, the whole person is already fainted. past.

“This is impossible!”

On and off the boat, the crowd exclaimed in unison.

This is also incredible. A young boy from the Peak of Returning One Realm has so casually knocked out an expert of the 5 Heavenly Layer of Fate Realm.

This is because Yang Xuan used the Imperial Qi Pearl to change the Origin Qi fluctuation. If everyone knows that he only has the cultivation base of the 2 Heavenly Layer of Guiyi Realm, it will not cause an uproar.

“How dare you hurt my men!?”

Weikang was both shocked and angry, and even a touch of fear appeared in his eyes.

Speaking of his cultivation base is a little higher than the fainted guard, and this is still relying on medicine pill, without a large number of medicine pill support, it is hard to say whether he can break through to the death.

“Your guard is too weak, you, the master, can still do it yourself.”

Yang Xuan shook the head contemptuously.


“If you dare not go, don’t be ashamed here.”

“Boy, you are too arrogant, I want to If you don’t give you a bit of color, see, you really think you are invincible in the whole world.”

Weikang was so angry that he was so angry that he roared, “Come on, quickly kill this kid for me. .”

“A straw bag, even if you dare to threaten to kill me?”

Yang Xuan jumped up, as strong as Divine Bird breaking through the sky, Wei Kang didn’t even react. , A big mouth hit his face.


The loud voice came, making the hearts of those watching the excitement jump.

The second youngest dignified Wei family was slapped in the face in the crowd.

What a crazy thing this is, especially the cultivation base of the initiator is far less than Wei Kang, but this slap made Wei Kang helpless and was knocked to the ground.

“I can’t even dodge a single blow, you guy is really a waste of nowhere.”

Yang Xuan sneered and looked down at Wei Kang condescendingly.

Weikang’s disheveled hair, his face was bruised and swollen, and even his front teeth were broken several times.

He seemed to have been beaten up, and he was stunned for a while before he roared angrily: “Bastard, you, how dare you slap me in the face, I, I want you to destroy your whole family.”

“Noisy, let me go to sleep.”

Yang Xuan face turned cold, another slap was raised.

This slap became stronger and directly drew Wei Kang into a daze, dazed, and fainted on the spot.

“Second Young Master……”

A dozen guards didn’t come back to his senses until then, all of them looked pale with fright, and screamed.

Their master was knocked unconscious by two slaps, especially in front of one’s eyes.

This is not good for the protector. It is only strange that they will not be severely punished when the matter is passed back to the Wei family, and they will even lose their lives because of this.

“Bastard, what a good job you did!”

Someone rushed over in angrily after being frightened.


Other people came back to his senses, and they all drew their swords and rushed forward. If you want to kill Yang Xuan on the spot, you can only kill Yang Xuan. Reduce their guilt for the disadvantage of their protector.

The crowd sucked in cold air. This is a dozen or so powerhouses in the Destiny Realm. Looking at the baleful qi on them, I know that there are no fewer murders in the normal state, and I don’t know how Yang Xuan, a young kid in the Peak of Returning Realm. withstand.

“You guys lie down too.”

As many people watched, Yang Xuan moved, fast and unimaginable. He raised his hands, slapped his hands and moved. Cleanly and neatly, a group of guards were slapped to the ground.

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