
Xiao Yuner was surprised and happy.

“Well, the big brother never deceives people. If you don’t believe me, the big brother will take you to the crowded places.”

“Forget it, the Ji Family will catch I, I don’t want to cause trouble to the big brother.”

“haha, are you this girl worried about the big brother?”

Yang Xuan was laughing and holding Xiao Yun’er in one hand. , Took the baby in one hand, and took the two girls to sit on the bench in the living room.

“Wow, so many delicious!”

Xiao Yuner’s eyes lit up when she saw the table full of cakes and Spirit Fruit in front of her.

“Let’s eat, I’ll get some more if it’s not enough.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile, this girl has fallen asleep for so long, she must be starving.

“Enough is enough, thank you big brother.”

Xiao Yun’er is sweetly smiled. She is indeed a little hungry. She picked up two cakes with her hands, one to eat by herself, and one Pass it to the baby.

“Yun’er, I don’t eat.”

Baby shook his head, she is Artifact Spirit, her favorite thing is fossils, and grains are like ordinary stones for her No different, tasteless.

“Here, reward you with a fossil.”

Yang Xuan threw a fossil with the size of a thumb carapace to the baby. It was found in the storage ring of Juming Kong, like There are still some fossils of this size, but they are not enough for Yang Xuan cultivation to survive Eight Sects.

Even purgatory boys do not bother to refining, because the number is too small and not pure enough.

“Hehe, the big brother is the best to me!”

The baby grabbed the fossil, raised his head and kissed Yang Xuan on the face while not forgetting to side Xiao Yun’er said: “Yun’er, come, you kiss your big brother too.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yun’er suddenly made a big red face and said like a mosquito: “Big brother, wait In a few years, Yun’er will marry you.”

“Yeah, yeah, not ashamed, really not ashamed. I want to marry at such a young age.”

Baby jokes .

“Silly girl, you are my younger sister, and you will be my younger sister forever.”

Yang Xuan laughed blankly, and tapped Xiao Yuner’s forehead with his hand.

“Is that so, but the baby makes me the woman of the big brother.”


“Ah, big brother, please forgive me. I don’t dare again again.”

“Yun’er, help me catch this girl. I want fiercely to spank her. I will dare to talk nonsense after seeing her.”

“Okay, big brother.”

“Come on, come on, you can’t catch me.”


Just when Yang Xuan was chasing and playing with the two women, the Wei’s passenger ship had already set sail and hurried all the way to the depths of the black liquid lake.

This trip to the black liquid cliff is thousands of miles away, and it takes about three hours.

This is still on the premise that there is no black shark attack on the road. In fact, there are not only black sharks in the black liquid lake, but also black tides.

This is the most terrifying thing. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many ships and people who went to the black liquid cliff died in it.

Fortunately, this kind of black tide is not common. Even if it is encountered, the Wei family merchant ship can withstand it, and those small and medium passenger ships will have to ask for their own blessings.

In short, every time the black liquid sword wall appears, there will be many casualties. Some people die on the way before reaching the black liquid cliff, which is extremely dangerous.

For the sake of legendary Supreme sword skills, there are still a large number of young people flocking to it.

This is Martial Dao world, where the powerhouse survives and the weak are eliminated.


As soon as the Wei’s passenger ship left the lakeshore, young martial artists on the same ship left the residence one after another, and rushed to the grandiose banquet all the way.

The place for the banquet is the cabin restaurant. There is an array of Sumi inside. The area is very large and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people without being crowded.

Originally, this was a place for passengers to enjoy food, but now it refuses anyone who does not have an invitation to enter, causing many people to complain.

It’s just anger or complaint, no one dared to run wild on Wei’s passenger ship.

At this moment, there is still some time before the banquet begins, but the restaurant is already full of lights, and even the ground is covered with a red carpet.

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