“Yes, I think in a few years, Wei Young Master will definitely become our younger generation Number One Person.”

At a table of tables, many invited The young people who came have got up and cup one fist in the other hand to show their favor.

“It’s okay for you to be free, you don’t need to be so polite.”

Wei Qingshu waved his hand, a face of spring breeze proud.

“It’s a good one to open the door to do business. The kid slapped my younger brother in the face. This is equivalent to slapping my Wei family in the face. Or he would roll over and kowtow to me today. This matter is endless.”

Wei Yan said angrily.

He heard that his younger brother Wei Kang and a group of accompanying guards were slapped and knocked unconscious and almost fainted under the Wei’s passenger ship, so he had to come to Yang Xuan to settle the account and let him understand Some people, some families he cannot afford to offend.

“Brother Wei Yan, there is a saying that the enemy should be resolved and not be settled. Although the Little Brother has a low cultivation base, his strength is not bad, and his background is not small.”

Wei Qing calligraphy.

“No matter what his background, he cannot be saved even if I am the king of heaven today.”

Wei Yan is famous for being powerful and domineering, and he doesn’t even think that he is knocked out. His younger brother’s family background is more prominent than their guardian family.

“Master Wei Young, you should have invited that kid, don’t tell me he didn’t come?”

Weikang suddenly spoke.


Wei Qingshu glanced across the audience, and then shook his head: “I really didn’t come.”

Wei Yan faint smile, between words With a bit of sarcasm, “Interesting, it seems that your reputation as the Young Master of the Wei family is not loud enough, and they didn’t put you in the eyes.”

hearing this, the scene quieted down. , Many young people all turned their attention to Wei Qingshu.

As the Young Master of Wei’s family and the young Heaven’s Chosen of the divine force environment 5 Heavenly Layer, Wei Qingshu is extremely famous in the entire Zhongyu. It is an honor to be invited to a banquet by him. However, Someone didn’t come, this is too much to write to Wei Qing.

“Hehe, Brother Wei Yan is serious. I, Wei Qingshu, sent an invitation. I come if I am willing to come. If I don’t want to come, I don’t want to force it. But, since Brother Wei Yan is eager to ask your younger brother for an explanation, Then I will send someone to invite him.”

As soon as this statement came out, many people had vision freezes.

Wei Qingshu’s words seem to be serene, but he doesn’t care, but in fact he has already expressed his dissatisfaction.

“So many thanks, but what if the kid doesn’t come yet?”

Wei Yan hugged cup one fist in the other hand and asked again.

“If he doesn’t come yet, then Brother Wei Yan will visit him in person.”

Wei Qingshu casually smiled, instructed at a young man behind him: “Wei Tao , You brought that person on the boat, so you can invite him.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Wei Tao took the order and hurriedly After leaving the restaurant, I thought about how to “invite” Yang Xuan.

To be honest, he regrets letting Yang Xuan get on the boat now, because Yang Xuan has not shown up for a long time, which has made his Young Master unhappy. It’s not good for him to be a slave. To be implicated, punishment is indispensable.

While thoughts turned, he soon came outside Yang Xuan’s luxurious suite.

But before he reached out and knocked on the door, Yang Xuan opened the door and walked out.

“Young Master, where do you want to go!?”

Wei Tao startled.

“Didn’t the banquet begin soon? Of course I am going to the banquet.”

Yang Xuan glanced at Wei Tao and said casually.


Wei Tao opened his mouth, completely speechless.

The kid in front of me didn’t dare to go to the banquet, but was going to step on it, making him worry for nothing.

“Lead the way, I think someone can’t wait.”

“Oh, okay.”

Wei Tao came back to his senses, busy. Nodded, he respectfully took Yang Xuan to the restaurant while pondering the meaning of Yang Xuan’s words.

Obviously, Yang Xuan knows that someone is waiting for him, but I don’t know if it is Wei Qingshu, Young Master of Wei Family, or Wei Yan, Young Master of Wei Family.

“No more, since this child has agreed to go to the banquet, then even if my task is completed, even if Young Master settles the account afterwards, he will not be punished too heavily.”

With his thoughts turning, he unconsciously led Yang Xuan to the restaurant.

“Young Master, the restaurant is here.”

Wei Tao stepped aside slightly and made an inviting gesture.

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