With a crisp sound, Shi Shaoyu couldn’t dodge, and was slapped away with a big slap in the face, blood flying across the corner of his mouth.

“gu lu!”

The crowd’s throats slipped, swallowing subconsciously.

Shi Family Young Master was hit with a big mouth in the crowd.

This news was announced, not only Shi Shaoyu has no face to see people, but Shi Family’s reputation will also be damaged.


Shi Shaoyu disheveled hair, bloody nose and swollen face, stabilizing his body with difficulty, holding his face and screaming to the sky.


Yang Xuan took a step forward, moved away, and slapped his hand up again.

“Boy, I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces.”

Shi Shaoyu roared, with a sharp sword in his hand, he hit Yang Xuan in the throat.

Yang Xuan had been prepared for a long time, body flashed, avoiding the sword, his big hand was drawn on Shi Shaoyu’s face again.

This slap became stronger, and half of Shi Shaoyu’s face became sloppy.

Even the front teeth are broken, and the more embarrassed you will be.

Shi Shaoyu was completely beaten up, and the whole person rolled and flew out, blood-staining the sky.

All of this happened in a flash, and everyone watching the game reacted and was stunned.

This is also unbelievable. In their in front of one’s eyes, Shi Shaoyu was slapped again, and he was beaten so hard to fight back.

“Hand over the fruit of reincarnation, I can circumvent your life.”

Yang Xuan stepped in the void, approaching Shi Shaoyu unhurriedly, and said indifferently.

“Today’s humiliation will be reported in the coming day. Just wait to bear the anger of my Shi Family.”

Shi Shaoyu roared, turned around and left.

He was already terrified, and he no longer dared to fight Yang Xuan.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, a black light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, and it hit Shi Shaoyu in an instant.

This is the magic light of the Heart Demon mirror. Once it hits an enemy, the enemy will entangle Heart Demon.

If Divine Soul is not strong enough, you will immediately have to become an idiot.


Shi Shaoyu cried out in pain, only to feel the illusion in his mind. Those who died in his hands turned into ghosts, waving sharp claw and tearing him frantically The Divine Soul.

“Get out of my sight, all get out of my sight.”

He hugged his head and howled, the seven orifices overflowed with blood, horrible to see.

“What happened!?”

The crowd was horrified. They saw a black light hit Shi Shaoyu just now, and then Shi Shaoyu screamed, as if he had suffered something Hit hard.

“This is the secret of Divine Soul!”

Finally, someone thought of something and lost his voice.

“What, this child actually knows the secret of Divine Soul!”

Everyone was shocked, and their faces were full of fear.

In the Desolate Ancient Continent, the secret skills of Divine Soul are very few and extremely rare.

Every Divine Soul secret technique has an unpredictable and mysterious power, allowing you to guard against it.

This is an attack against Divine Soul. As long as Divine Soul is recruited, it will suffer a devastating blow, and one who is careless will get violent death.


With another cry of pain, Shi Shaoyu fainted.

His Divine Soul is not weak, but his will is not strong enough, so he can’t bear Heart Demon’s soul eater, and he fell down unconsciously on the spot.

Yang Xuan’s figure swept out, and the distance of several dozen meters was instantly reached.

He reached out with his right hand, clasped Shi Shaoyu’s throat, and twisted vigorously.


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