A few people guessed the identity of Yang Xuan, which immediately caused a sensation. No one thought that Yang Xuan had not left their deserted ancient continent, and came to the ancient territory alone.


Yang Xuan didn’t know about the identity exposure, even if he knew he would not take seriously.

With the real mask, he can change his face at most, and he is not afraid that someone will recognize him.

In a dense jungle, Ye Feiyang flew over and rushed to meet Yang Xuan, with an expression of admiration: “Brother Yang is good.”

He has been hiding in Secretly, watching Yang Xuan and Shi Shaoyu, Shi Haiyun and the others fighting in his eyes, my heart was shocked.

Whether it is Shi Shaoyu or Shi Haiyun, they are both true experts. However, in front of Yang Xuan, the two of them are completely helpless.

One was cut off by Yang Xuan’s neck with his hands, and died of anger, and the other was even more miserable, and died under the sword of Yang Xuan before he could shoot.

Yang Xuan just smiled when he heard Ye Feiyang’s words. He flipped his wrist and there was a fruit in his hand.

This is the fruit of reincarnation, about the size of a fist, the whole body is as white as jade, and it emits a peculiar fragrance, and you can still feel a faint scent of Samsara Power.

“Is this the fruit of reincarnation, I wonder if it is as magical as the legend?”

Ye Feiyang muttered to himself, staring at Yang Xuan without blinking. Reincarnation.

“Try it and you will know.”

Yang Xuan while speaking, directly threw the reincarnation fruit into his mouth.

The fruit of reincarnation melts in the mouth, a vast energy burst into his within the body, and then rushed into his brain, and immediately there were many fragmentary memories in his brain.

These memories are from others, there are unforgettable things, and some kind of cultivation technique magical powers.

Unfortunately, the memory is fragmented, which is not enough for Yang Xuan to learn, but all kinds of disordered and in a mess things make Yang Xuan quite useful, at least he has a deeper understanding of the deserted ancient continent.

Through these memories, he knew that several terrifying battles took place in the Primordial Era, and the battlefield was the ancient territory.

Ye Feiyang waited for the meeting, and when he saw Yang Xuan doing a pensive gesture, he didn’t speak, and couldn’t help but ask: “Did Brother Yang get any secret skills?”

“No “

Yang Xuan shook his head and said: “But this fruit is out of the ordinary, making my Divine Soul a little bigger.”

“This way, it seems This kind of reincarnation fruit is not as magical as in the legend.”

Ye Feiyang sighed, countless people have beaten their heads to fight for the reincarnation fruit. It’s hard to get anything.

“It is true.”

Yang Xuan nodded, his face is unemotional. He hadn’t reported much hope for the reincarnation fruit, so naturally he would not be disappointed, saying: “Go Well, let’s go to Earth Palace and have a look.”

After that, walk side by side with Ye Feiyang and continue to go deep into the forest.

On the way, there are a lot of martial artists. Not everyone is confused by the spiritual medicine in the forest. Many of them went straight to the depths of the forest, just for the Earth Palace.

There are spiritual medicines in a mountain forest, and there is also a mysterious Earth Palace, especially the martial artist of the Wei family who also got the Divine Item from the Earth Palace, how can they miss it.

“bang! ”

In the distance, there was a loud noise, accompanied by the rush of monstrous smoke and dust, a wave of energy swept away, and the peaks collapsed, massive The vegetation disappeared and the whole land was flattened. The scene was shocking.

“What’s going on!?”

“Stop, don’t go there.”

Nearby, the crowd stopped, one by one defending The shield resists the spreading aftermath.

That’s the case, but many people were blown out, vomiting blood in their mouths.

Chapter 653 Mysterious Earth Palace


Yang Xuan reacted swiftly. At the same time as the loud noise came, he was conditioned to reflex Pulling Ye Feiyang and drifting back quickly.

“many thanks Brother Yang.”

Ye Feiyang said gratefully, if Yang Xuan’s help, he would definitely be injured in the aftermath with his cultivation base.

“You are welcome.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and looked into the distance, only to hear a sneer from a dusty place in the distance.

“Your Wei family is really hidden deep enough, did not expect a supreme, but unfortunately you alone can’t stop me.”

The voice is still there. , The sound of hong long long sounded again, one after another energy storm swept away, one after another mountain peaks crumbled, countless forests collapsed, and smoke was everywhere.

Obviously, fierce fighting broke out in the depths of the mountain forest, and it was still a battle between two supreme beings, and only the supreme war could be so terrifying.

This is still restraint on both sides, otherwise this mountain forest will be devastated.

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