Yang Xuan was shocked, and as soon as he reached the ground, he felt a strange breath in the air.

“This should be the breath of the tide of reincarnation, but it is extremely weak and has almost no effect on people.”

The purgatory boy said.

“The breath of the tide of reincarnation!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes. He went to the Earth Palace to hunt for treasure, but didn’t expect to encounter the tide of reincarnation. Breath.

This means that this Earth Palace may be the Place of Origin of the wave of reincarnation. In other words, there may be fragments of Martial Spirit in the depths of the Earth Palace.

“There is a strong restriction here, which completely imprisons perception, you have to be careful.”

The purgatory boy warned.

“Not only is perception restricted, flying here is also forbidden.”

Yang Xuan tried a spatial flight, but unexpectedly he lost this ability. He just jumped more than ten meters high. I was oppressed by a mysterious power.

“Brother Yang, which direction shall we go?”

Aside, Ye Feiyang asked.

“There is a silhouette ahead, let’s move on.”

Yang Xuan and Ye Feiyang strode forward, there is no danger on the road.

After about the tea ceremony, an ancient city appeared in front of you. Looking through the mottled city wall, you can vaguely see a group of buildings.

Every building is full of the breath of time, but the overwhelming majority has collapsed, a dead silence and desolation.

In the place outside the city wall thousand zhang, a huge ancient city gate is half-concealed, and the naked eye can see the black mist coming out, giving people a feeling of incomparable evil and ghastly.

Therefore, although there is a vast crowd in the open space outside the city gate, no one dares to move.

Spatial flight is not allowed here. You can only walk on foot to enter the ancient city, and your speed will be greatly restricted. Once you encounter danger, you may not even be able to escape.

“Everyone, there are good things in this ancient city. Let’s go in together.”

“Don’t move, it is rumored that there are a lot of Evil Spirits in the city. Cultivation base and strength, whoever enters will die.”

Amidst the noise, the earth shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Next moment, the ancient city gate exploded with a bang, and a group of thousands of creatures covered in black aura rushed out of the city.

“There are so many Evil Spirits, let’s rewind.”

“It’s too late, let’s fight.”


In the short-lived lose one’s head out of fear, many martial artists took action one after another, all kinds of rays of light flew all over the sky, blasting towards the group of Evil Spirits.

However, except for a small number of Evil Spirits that were blown to pieces, the remaining Evil Spirits all rushed over without stopping, fighting with the crowd outside the city.

“Ah”, “Ah”, “Ah”……

The audience screamed endlessly, and these Evil Spirits are like a vast black torrent, constantly harvesting martial The artist’s life, the battle was extremely fierce.

In just a few breaths, dead bodies were everywhere outside the city, and blood flowing into a river.

There are too many Evil Spirits, there is no pain at all, and the attack power is also fierce. Many people have been swallowed without even a bit of bone scum.

Here, Yang Xuan can’t help but feel awe-inspiring. He is not afraid of one end and two Evil Spirit, but if he is surrounded by hundreds of Evil Spirit, he can only choose to escape.

“This ancient city is too terrifying!”

Ye Feiyang sucked in a cold breath.

“This is a Great Ominous Land, Brother Ye had better leave as soon as possible.”

“Brother Yang is going to enter the city?”

“Well, this There are things I need in this ancient city. I have to go in anyway.”

Yang Xuan resolutely said: “It should not be too late, let’s go.”

“Brother Yang, take care.”

Ye Feiyang hugged cup one fist in the other hand and turned away.

He wants to enter the ancient city, but his strength is too weak.

If you insist on entering the city, Yang Xuan is bound to walk with him, so he will definitely drag Yang Xuan down.

As Ye Feiyang retreated, Yang Xuan used the Void Technique and quietly entered the ancient city.

The ancient city is very big, with Yin Qi pervading inside and full of life.

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