Although he has a real mask and is not afraid of being recognized, he does not want to be too ostentatious to attract attention from others.

No one paid any attention to him along the way, most people think he came here as a good luck.

Yang Xuan walked and observed and found that all the people who can come to the square are experts. Among them, there are many young talents and old powerhouses in the divine force environment, but they have never seen the supreme.

Existences like Supreme, must have gone deep into the square long ago, looking for opportunities.

Chapter 655 gives you a chance

Along the way, there is a flow of people, grandiose.

After about the tea time, everyone stopped one after another, because at the end of the square, there was an unattainable cliff that straddled an unknown number of miles.

It’s like a huge mountain being forcibly cut apart, it stands upright and is abnormally smooth.

Below the cliff, there are many stone caves of different sizes. The inside is pitch black and dull, not clear, and I don’t know where to go.

“There are so many caves, how shall we go?”

“Choose any one.”


After hesitating, some bold people stepped out and got into a cave.

“If you come, you will be safe, let’s go in.”

“Everyone, be careful, these caves are definitely not safe.”

Others They also moved one after another, choosing a stone cave to fill in in groups.

Behind the crowd, Yang Xuan saw all this in his eyes, his face was not worried at all, he secretly asked: “Boy, how do you think I should go?”

“I don’t know, you can choose one at will.”

The purgatory boy said, his Spiritual Consciousness was completely imprisoned, and he could not detect the danger in those caves.

“That’s it!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and finally followed a group of hundreds of people into a cave.

There is a tunnel inside the stone cave, narrow and deep, except for the messy footsteps, it is as quiet as death.

Everyone walked slowly, looking on guard, but after walking for a long time, they did not encounter any danger, everything was calm and tranquil.

In this way, everyone became more courageous, each speeding up and moving forward, reaching the depths of the tunnel a few minutes later.

This is a hillside, very spacious, it will not be crowded to accommodate thousands of people.

Under the deepest rock wall in the belly of the mountain, there is a bronze gate, about the size of several feet, old and mottled.

In the open space outside the gate, there are hundreds of dead bodies lying all around.

Every corpse is skinny and shriveled, as if the blood has been absorbed by some creature, and the death is miserable, horrible to see.


Everyone halted, afraid to approach the bronze gate for fear of being killed.

“Everyone, this is nowhere. Let’s quit.”

“I’ve all come here, how can I just go back to the house like this, besides the stone caves outside, I must It’s also dangerous.”

“That’s true, but there may be weird restrictions on the bronze gate. How can we open it?”

After a while of discussion, a divine force The man in Jinyi from Heavenly Layer in the 5th Heavenly Layer swept his eyes, his gaze quickly fell on Yang Xuan at the back, and said in a pretentious manner: “You, go up and try and see if you can push the door open.”

“Sorry, my cultivation base is too low, I definitely can’t open that door.”

Yang Xuan put his hands on his chest, indifferently said.

Joke, let him push the door, this is not to let him die.

“If you let you go, there is so much nonsense.”

Frewns saying of a man in Jinyi.

“Boy, hurry up.”

“That’s right, this is your lowest cultivation base, who don’t you go?”

Many people Speaking and cursing, they are ready to let Yang Xuan go to the bottom.

At least they need to know what restrictions are on the bronze gate before they can decide whether to retreat or break the door forcibly.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, found a place to sit down, and carefully looked at the bronze gate.

“Let me ask again, are you going or not?”

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