Yang Xuan didn’t care, even a smile appeared on his face.

He’s most fearless is the Fire Attribute martial artist. With a wave of his hand, he held the Profound Truth of Fire with one palm, and blasted on the incoming Flame Sword Qi, and suddenly there was a huge noise.

Flame Sword Qi seemed to have suffered a devastating blow, and instantly fell apart.

This situation is unbelievable.

Li Family Young Master Li Yan, an angry sword energy, was shaken by Yang Xuan, like tofu dregs, it was impossible to withstand a single blow.

“It’s my turn to take action. I hope you can stop my blow.”

Yang Xuan was never passively beaten. He got up and stayed behind. Next one after another afterimage, rushed towards Li Yan extremely fast.

“Go to death!”

Li Yan used a killer move, struggling to make a shot, with a sword carrying a crimson sword, and killing him.


Yang Xuan pointed together into a sword, and drew out vigorously to shake Li Yan’s sword.


The flames are everywhere, the rays of light are bright, the place of battle is boiling, the earth is cracking, and the smoke is sooting into the sky.


With a scream, something shocking happened.

I saw Li Yan flying out of the dust and smoke like a broken kite, covered in blood, and fell heavily to the ground, with blood surging in his mouth, and he did not get up for a long time.

“This is impossible!”

The crowd was in an uproar, completely unable to believe that what they saw was true.

Yang Xuan disinclined to pay attention to others, strode towards Li Yan.

“Who are you? Comprehended sword dao Profound Truth at a young age!”

Li Yan both shocked and angry, howling in his mouth.

Only he knows that the strike by Yang Xuan just now contains the Sword Dao Profound Truth.

If not, it would be impossible to hurt him.

“What, this child comprehended sword dao Profound Truth!”

Hearing Li Yan’s words, everyone looked towards Yang Xuan with different eyes, and no one didn’t expect He actually comprehended sword dao Profound Truth.

“My eyesight is good, but today I am destined to die.”

Yang Xuan kept walking, approaching Li Yan step by step. Although there is not such a powerful imposing manner on him, his eyesight Like electricity, black hair dances, giving people an unmatched tremor.

Everyone’s heart is ups and downs, no one dares to speak.

“Boy, this time I’ll admit it.”

Li Yan admits it. As Yang Xuan gets closer, he only feels that death is so close.

“Sorry, you must die.”

Yang Xuan is indifferent and ruthless.

“Thank you brother, Han brother, save me.”

Li Yan used his hands and feet together, and looked back at two young men who were out of the ordinary.

“hehe, I want to see who would dare to save you.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, stepped out a few steps, looking down at Li Yan condescendingly, “You, think How to die?”

“I am Li Family Young Master, you dare not kill me?”

Li Yan has a strong voice, but obviously lacks energy.

“This friend, if one can let people off, then spare them.”

Not far away, a young man with a divine force environment 5 Heavenly Layer said.

“Yes, as the saying goes, you don’t know each other. Why don’t you just stop here, can you make friends?”

Another young man of the divine force environment 5 Heavenly Layer Also spoke up.

The two are not others, but Li Yan’s previous call for help.

One named Han Fei and the other named Xie Feng, both of whom are Young Masters from Great Family, with outstanding identities.

Yang Xuan seemed to have not heard the words of the two, and said coldly to Li Yan: “Since someone is pleading for you, then I will give you a chance.”

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