The purgatory boy sound transmission said.

“So I don’t need to kill anymore.”

Yang Xuan stood with his hands in his hand, waiting quietly.

He didn’t let him wait too long. After about a few seconds, the bronze gate slowly rose, and a huge White Light Sect appeared inside.

“Teleport Light Gate!”

Everyone’s gaze is condensed, and they all dare not to act blindly without thinking, heaven knows where they will be teleported to if they enter the Teleport Light Gate, if it is there In a fierce way, they will bode ill rather than well.


Just when everyone was frightened, Yang Xuan flew up and resolutely jumped into the light gate, disappeared.

“This child’s courage is really not so big!”

“Li Family Young Master kills if he says to kill. It is strange that his courage can be small.”

“What do we do, should we go in?”

Everyone whispered, but no one dared to move in a long time.

“Let’s go in.”

Han Fei and Xie Feng looked at each other, and stood up together, sinking into the light gate together.

“if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub, I am afraid he is a bird!”

“Go, fight it.”

Looking at Han Fei and Xie Feng entering the light gate, many people were bold enough and rushed in.


This is a dimly lit space, with brown red rock formations above the sky, and the place where the field of vision can be seen from below, the peaks are undulating, towering one after another Ancient trees support this Underground World like countless Propping Up The Heavens Pillar-like.

Here, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is very rich, and all kinds of plants are growing vigorously.

A gust of cold wind blows, with a faint fragrance, making people feel comfortable.

“This is the scent of spiritual medicine!”

Nearby, Han Fei and Xie Feng appeared out of nowhere. The two smelled the scent of fragrance, and their eyes immediately lit up.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

all directions, more and more people appeared, and the area around the hundred zhang was full.

“spiritual medicine is everywhere, we are developed!”

“haha, I thought I would enter some dangerous place, didn’t expect it is a natural Medicine Garden.”

Many people embroider the scent of spiritual medicine, and then see the covering the mountains and plains, the spiritual medicine swaying in the wind, all of them can’t hold back their excitement.

“Don’t be careless, this place is rich in Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, and Demonic beast will never be less!”

Someone reminded.

hearing this, the expression of those present shrank.

Indeed, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is rich, which means that there will be no shortage of Demonic beasts. If you encounter a powerful wild ancient beast, it will be dangerous.

Yang Xuan black hair flies up and looks around without paying too much attention to the crowd all around.

These people are all from the backside of the mountain. After seeing his greatness, no one dared to trouble him.

Subconsciously, everyone is far away from him, treating him like a evil star.

Yang Xuan didn’t realize this.

He checked carefully and found that in this Underground World, perception was completely imprisoned and it was forbidden to fly.

With his cultivation base, he can only jump more than ten meters high.

“Oops, not only is perception blocked here, but also spatial flight is not possible.”

The crowd also noticed something, and their faces became very unsightly. It’s okay to not be able to fly. But even perception is imprisoned, which means that they cannot detect danger in advance.


Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound of pierce gold and split stone came, almost torn apart this world, making the eardrum irritating.

When everyone was frightened, they all looked up and saw a small black spot on the sky in the distance.

“What is that?”

“Not good, it’s a purple-winged thunder eagle, everyone quickly hide.”

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