“It’s strange, haven’t we all escaped, why are the bloodthirsty monster vines still attacking?” Lei Chen was surprised.

“If I’m right, that Shi Yu is still in the valley within the valley.”

Han Fei squinted.

“What, Shi Yu is still within the valley!”

Lei Chen started, he thought Yang Xuan would have escaped long ago. Who knew Yang Xuan was still in the mountain within the valley.

“What is he doing in within the valley?” Lei Chen said again.

“What do you think?”

Han Fei asked rhetorically.

Lei Chen and Xie Feng looked at each other and said in the same way: “divine medicine!”

“Yes, it must be for divine medicine, otherwise the kid can’t commit a personal risk. Maybe he has picked divine medicine into his hands now, which explains why the bloodthirsty monster vine is so angry.”

“Regardless of whether he got divine medicine or not, you’d better not use it. Wrong idea, otherwise your life will not be guaranteed.”

Xie Feng reminded.

“Dignified Xie Family Young Master, there is also a fire rune in your hand. You are too ambitious to destroy yourself.”

Han Fei gloomy face said.

“Fire rune is strong, but it must be a good player. In short, I will not be an enemy of Shi Yu.”

Xie Feng is determined Make friends with Yang Xuan, even if Yang Xuan really gets a divine medicine, he will not snatch it.

Because he has a hunch that once a war with Yang Xuan goes, he will definitely die in the end.

“If you don’t want to be an enemy, just say it if you are afraid.”

Han Fei’s face revealed disdain, looking at towards the mountain valley, coldly said: “Have you picked it yet? Divine medicine, let’s not talk about it. Under the attack of the bloodthirsty demon vine, whether the kid can come out alive is a problem.”

tone barely fell, you can see a silhouette of the mountain within the valley rising into the sky, accompanied by With a loud explosion, the huge bloodthirsty monster vine broke into two pieces on the spot, emitting sharp and mournful scream.

“Is that Shi Yu, he actually cut off the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine!”

Lei Chen stared wide-eyed.

Xie Feng and the Korean medicine are also petrified, and I can’t believe what they see is true.

This is too weird. It is better than a bloodthirsty demon vine, but it was cut in two.


At this moment, a silhouette jumped out of the valley and came to the three of Xie Feng, who was not Yang Xuan.

In his hand, he also held a blood crystal core.

The blood crystal nucleus is about the size of a fist, showing an irregular rhombus shape, and exuding brilliant blood light throughout.

This is the demon crystal condensed from the bloodthirsty demon vine within the body. According to the purgatory boy, this demon crystal interior contains strong and pure blood energy.

With this thing, he will not need to rely on meat after he uses Qilin Arm in the future, he can fully use the devouring world, refining the blood energy in the demon crystal to restore his own consumption.

Xie Feng took the lead in came back to his senses, and asked with a shocked look: “Brother Shi, you killed the bloodthirsty demon vine!?”

“Well, killed. ”

Yang Xuan calmly, with a serene face.

Under Purgatory Sword, the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine couldn’t stop it at all. He didn’t even use Origin Force. He just slashed out with all his strength and cut the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine’s body into two sections.

“How did you do it?”

Han Fei blurted out. After all, it was a bloodthirsty demon vine. The defensive power alone is amazing, even though Yang Xuan is very powerful, but he is absolutely unable to break his defenses

“It’s a martial artist’s taboo to inquire into other people’s secrets at will. You don’t know it?”

Yang Xuan sweeps After taking a look at Han Fei, he has been a man for two lifetimes, and he can see that Han Fei is a man of deep thinking. You can only talk with this kind of person, not close friendship.

Han Fei’s face is ugly. Yang Xuan’s eyes are a kind of contempt for him. He resisted the anger Fire Dao: “I just asked casually, I didn’t say anything. “

“Brother Shi, is this!?”

Xie Feng suddenly turned his eyes to the demon crystal in Yang Xuan’s hand.

“This is the demon crystal of the bloodthirsty demon vine.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, and put the demon crystal in his hand into the storage ring.

“Bloodthirsty Demon Vine and Demon Crystal?”

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