Divine Sword is precious, but compared to life, it’s not worth mentioning.

What’s the use of Divine Sword if you lose your life?

With his mind turning, he did not hesitate at all. He directly took out a blue long sword from the storage ring and threw it at Wu Manshan.

“Damn it!”

Feng Haoran cursed secretly, and Xie Feng threw Divine Sword at Wu Manshan, apparently asking him to fight Wu Manshan.

However, in order to get Divine Sword, he has no choice but to hurriedly expand his body skills and jump forward.

“Go away.”

Wu Manshan’s pupil light is cold, he rushes towards the blue long sword and shoots.

As an elder powerhouse of Divine Force Peak, he cultivated a variety of unique skills. In order to grab the Divine Sword, this shot is a killer move.


He waved his palm vigorously, and the divine force between his palms gushed out, turning into a giant palm with the size of several feet, with the mighty power of a mountain, a palm The majesty is enough to suppress everything, so Feng Haoran complexion changed and had to dodge.

He can choose to fight hard, but in that case, he is very likely to be injured.

He didn’t want to drag his wounded body forward in this vast and boundless ruin filled with the breath of reincarnation.

All around, the crowd also retreated.

In addition to the high cultivation base, Wu Manshan is also a fierce reputation in the middle area, killing people like scything flax.

If these people dare to fight for Divine Sword at this knot, they will definitely be attacked by Wu Manshan.

A divine force environment Peak powerhouse attack is not something they can bear.


While the giant palm forced the wind to retreat and the surrounding people retreated, Wu Manshan’s speed remained constant, his eyes were fiery, and the distance from the blue long sword was less than two meters.

This is the Cold Attribute Divine Sword with azure blue and gorgeous appearance. The specific grade is unknown.

But Divine Sword is Divine Sword after all. As long as it is practiced, it is bound to increase in strength.

Not far away, Xie Feng retreated and lowered his face, his eyes filled with angry flames.

This Divine Sword was found by an undamaged humanoid skeleton while exploring under a ruin an hour ago.

Who knows bad luck, I was seen by many people, and eventually attracted a lot of chasing soldiers.

I was able to escape here because I threw out the fire rune, which made the people behind me afraid of chasing too closely.

“haha, this Divine Sword belongs to the old man.”

Wu Manshan laughed excitedly, he peeped his hand, and he was about to grab the blue long sword in his hand.


Just at this brief moment, the mutation protruded, and a silhouette flew over, like a bolt of lightning, to take the blue long sword first.

“Thief, you dare to grab my Divine Sword!”

Wu Manshan and Divine Sword missed each other, suddenly went crazy, and slammed into the sword grabber.

Who knows that the latter has long eyes behind his back and reacts swiftly. He suddenly moved away, letting his palms rush away, blasting on a piece of rock in the distance, causing a big explosion , Rumbling, flying sand running stone, smoke billowing.

There was a huge sound, which also awakened the people present.

seizing food from the tiger’s mouth!

And escaped Wu Manshan’s angry blow!

Everyone was stunned. This was the result that no one had expected. Just when Wu Manshan was about to get Divine Sword, someone appeared like a ghost and took Divine Sword away.

“It’s him, he stole Divine Sword!”

At this moment, the eyes of the crowd all looked towards Xie Fengside people, that is a slender figure, plain, cultivation The base only has white clothed youth from Peak.

“Damn it, just his cultivation base, how can I grab Divine Sword?”

“Divine Sword, let alone, he can avoid Wu Manshan’s palm strength! “

“It’s too evil, who is this child?”

Many people whispered, their gazes towards white clothed youth are full of deep look of shock.

“You are!?”

Xie Feng’s eyes widened, staring blankly at the side white clothed youth, his face was dazed and surprised.

“Why, I haven’t seen you for half a day, brother Xie can’t recognize me?”

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