“Not good, this is the prelude to the eruption of the tide of reincarnation, Brother Yang hastened to concentrate, and don’t be overwhelmed by the torrent of terrifying memories, Divine Soul.”

Thanks Feng also noticed something, and the complexion was greatly changed.

The eruption of the wave of reincarnation is not something ordinary people can contend with.

Especially in this ruin which is full of the breath of reincarnation, heaven knows how strong the formidable power is generated by the eruption of reincarnation.

Once you can’t bear it, it will be consigned to eternal damnation.


The tide of reincarnation came very quickly, almost immediately after Xie Feng’s voice fell, an invisible storm raged in, like a big wave, and like a hurricane at the end, boundless , Destroying everything, the void seems to collapse, a flying sand running stone on the earth.

The whole world seems to have returned to chaos and nothingness, a piece of fuzzy.


A dilapidated building collapsed instantly, burying Yang Xuan and Xie Feng underneath.

Two people as if was struck by lightning, hundreds of millions of memories rushed into their Divine Soul, making them impossible to move even a little bit, and they had a splitting headache.

Yang Xuan is better. After all, Divine Soul is so powerful that it’s all very uncomfortable.

And Xie Feng’s situation is a bit bad. If it were not tenacious, it would have been overwhelmed, the soul flew away and scattered.

In this torrent of memory, there is a huge amount of memory information, but it is too violent and fragmented to absorb it.

When Divine Soul is in severe pain, let alone absorbed, it’s not bad to be able to keep your mind and keep Divine Soul from collapsing.

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth and guarded Divine Soul tightly.

Under the tenacious will, his Divine Soul is unbreakable, and occasionally he can absorb some memory information.

The memory message of one after another flashes through my mind like in a flash…

Not long after, Yang Xuan’s mind suddenly freezes on a relatively complete memory message And automatically evolved into a shocking picture.

Among the undulating clusters of palaces, the silhouette is dazzling, and powerhouses of all races have them, all of them are powerful, shaking the old illuminating the new.

These people flew around, beheading the aborigines of this place, and frantically scraping treasures among countless buildings.

In a short period of tea time, the aborigines are almost extinct, and various treasures have also been found one after another.

Occasionally, there are rare treasures with brilliance soaring into the sky and violent divine fluctuations, which will attract countless people to snatch them.

Gradually, the melee broke out in an all-round way. Between Heaven and Earth was a torrent of energy. Under these torrents of energy, buildings were destroyed and a large number of people died tragically.

It is no exaggeration to say that the only ones that can survive this kind of battle are true powerhouses.

Yang Xuan was frightened by this picture, knowing that this must be the shocking battle in the end of the ancient times, and it was also the main battlefield of the battle. People with the lowest cultivation base all have the world.


Suddenly, the void vibrated, the mountains and rivers turned upside down, an incomparable gigantic Willow Tree from the sky, rooted outside a magnificent palace, wicker wicker , Up to 10,000,000 li, shoot and kill those foreign powerhouses that are fighting vigorously.

Without any resistance, each of the foreign powerhouses had not come back to his senses, they were pierced by the wicker and killed instantly.

Among them, a few powerhouses can dodge a blow, but they can’t avoid 2nd Strike, 3rd Strike…

Under the crazy offensive of thousands of willows, no matter how high or low the cultivation base is What kind of race you are from, and all of them fall in less than ten breaths time, blood flowing into a river, corpses everywhere across the field.

Yang Xuan was shocked to see, this picture is so shocking, it makes him have a tremor from the soul, which will never be remembered.

He couldn’t believe that a Willow Tree could explode with such terrifying power as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

“This Willow Tree is…”

Yang Xuan’s thoughts are flashing, and he remembers the legend that Xie Feng mentioned shortly before. It is expected that Willow Tree is a guardian in the ancient times. The Willow Tree in a small Human Race village.

Xie Feng guessed at the time that Willow Tree was a Divine Tree planted by a fairy.

Yang Xuan was somewhat skeptical about this, but after seeing the Willow Tree appearing in this picture in his mind, he understood that Willow Tree may really be a Divine Tree, with strength far beyond the emperor. A bolt of wicker lightning pierced out, it was enough to kill the Heavenly Realm Power in seconds.

It is as strong as the powerhouse of the emperor, and it will not last long under the continuous attack of wicker, and it is a mess.

“A Willow Tree can suppress and kill countless ancient powerhouses and Ancient Great Emperors just by waving a wicker. This strength is invincible!”

Yang Xuan was deeply touched The shock came, and I felt a lot in my heart.

As the world says, there are ants under the emperor, but under the Willow Tree, is the emperor not ants?


The picture suddenly changed, and a collapsed palace suddenly exploded, causing a cloud of smoke and dust.

And just under the billowing dust, a silhouette rushed out like a ghost.

“There are still people who are still alive!”

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