“It’s over, we ‘re dead!”

“Stabilize your mind and hold on for a while, or you will die.”

“No way I can’t resist it anymore, ah!”

Under the continuous raging tide of reincarnation, Underground World is in chaos, and people die tragically at all times. There is no shortage of young geniuses and old powerhouses in divine force. .

It can be said that those who can survive are those with a high cultivation base and tenacious will.

High cultivation base means that Divine Soul is strong and tenacious, which means that it can resist the severe pain of Divine Soul. Both are indispensable.

Of course, Yang Xuan is a special case.

Although his cultivation base is not high, after opening the door, Divine Soul is much stronger than the powerhouse of Divine Force Peak. Coupled with his extremely tenacious will, the tide of reincarnation is right His threat is not great.

It was Xie Feng, who could barely hold on at first, but as time passed, Divine Soul gradually became unbearable.

“This kid is almost finished, do you want to save him?”

The purgatory boy asked.

“Can you save him?”

Yang Xuan astonished, under the tide of reincarnation, he didn’t know any other way to help Xie Feng except to survive himself.

“Since this boy said, naturally there is a way.”

“Then you can save him quickly.”

“This will cost me A lot of spirit strength. Fortunately, my Spirit Physique is strong now, and I can quickly absorb Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth to restore my own depletion. Otherwise, I will rarely care about him.”

The purgatory boy said, appearing out of thin air Beside Yang Xuan, this brat seemed to be completely unaffected by the tide of reincarnation, his hands clasped together, reciting the profound incantion.

After a few seconds, he raised his right hand and pointed a finger on Xie Feng’s eyebrows.


A strange light fell into Xie Feng’s eyebrows, and Xie Feng’s whole body was shaken, and a little ruddy appeared on his pale face.

“What is this?”

Yang Xuan was dumbfounded.

“This is a Divine Ability from Buddhism. It is called a solid soul curse. It can improve the Divine Soul defensive power in a short time. If you want to learn from it, I can teach you. I must use your current perception. , I will be able to practice soon.”

“Okay, you can teach me quickly, although I am strong Divine Soul, and I have a formation diagram Guardian God soul, but I don’t have enough skills.”

“Look at your virtue, don’t worry, I said I would teach you and I won’t break my promise.”

The purgatory boy rolled the eyes and taught the cultivation method of Solid Soul Curse Yang Xuan.

As the purgatory boy said, this is a Buddhist supernatural power. To develop this supernatural power requires a great root of wisdom.

The so-called Huigen, this is Buddhism, in fact, Huigen is perception. People with too weak perception will never learn it in their lifetime.

Yang Xuan closed his eyes and meditated, and mastered the Gu Hun curse before a cup of tea.

In order to see the effect, he consumed a lot of spirit strength to use this magical power, and suddenly felt that his Divine Soul was enveloped by a strange halo, which greatly offset the impact of the tide of reincarnation.

“Divine Ability is good, but the duration is a little short.”

Yang Xuan nodded, the solid soul curse can only last for 30 minutes, beyond which it will lose its effect.

“There are so many magical powers in the world, but few are perfect.”

The purgatory boy said.

“hehe, boy, don’t you teach me a magical power anymore, you see, I’m in a dangerous place now, and I may lose my life at any time, and I lack a magical power to escape my life. .”

Yang Xuan hit the snake with the stick, rubbing his hands said with a smile.

“Your speed is not slow, you also comprehended the artistic conception of wind, and cultivated the big Void Technique. Besides, I don’t have any supernatural powers to teach you.”

The purgatory boy shrugged and disappeared immediately.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, knowing that the purgatory boy really has no magical powers.

He didn’t think too much, because the tide of reincarnation was slowly weakening, and the world was gradually becoming clearer.

About half a minute later, the tide of reincarnation disappeared, and even the breath of the tide of reincarnation disappeared thoroughly.

“Brother Yang not only helped me snatch the Divine Sword back, but also saved my life just now. This kindness is too great. Even if I thank Feng, I won’t be able to pay for it.”

At this moment, Xie Feng woke up, grateful and sigh.

Obviously, he didn’t know that it was the purgatory boy who saved him.

“It’s all that goes smoothly, you don’t have to take seriously.”

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