“What, is the power of 100,000 Jin as exaggerated as you said?”

“No, not exaggerated at all. Not only is the power approaching 100,000 Jin, he should also be cultivated. This kind of weird battle skill, which seems to hit a punch, actually hits hundreds of punches. Although the power is scattered in this way, the formidable power is even more terrifying.”

The dozens of people watching the battle were in an uproar. , The gazes looking towards Yang Xuan are like looking at a monster, an invincible monster.

“You evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil, because of his fleshy body, it is estimated that it is not inferior to that barren state Yang Xuan.”

“I heard that Yang Xuan seems to have also entered the ancient territory, this The child is not him, right?”

“Impossible, Yang Xuan only returned to Peak’s cultivation base when he killed Shi Family Young Master Shi Shaoyu, but the kid in front of him has Fate 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base.”

The crowd was whispering, but their eyes focused on the battlefield without blinking.

For them, regardless of whether Yang Xuan is the barren state or not, his strength is very abnormal. Without using Origin Force, he can fight Yu Qian across two great realms. , And Jiang Qian was firmly suppressed.

Chapter 684 supernatural power jade slip

in midair, fists and feet are flying.

Every time you hit, the void will explode, with unmatched power and collapse.

Under Yang Xuan’s violent offensive, Yu Qian had no idea to fight in just a few breaths of effort. The number of internal injuries was not mentioned yet. The trauma alone made him grin in pain and sweat. .


After sixteen strokes, he couldn’t contend anymore, and Yang Xuan slapped his head on the ground, coughing up blood in his mouth.

“Yu Qian was defeated, but it was still so fast and so miserable!”

Everyone was shocked.

Before the war, who could have thought that Yu Qian would be defeated, but the scene before them was not illusory, so they had to believe it.

“How can this be, how can this be, I am an expert of the divine force environment 8 Heavenly Layer!”

Yu Qian yelled at discevelled hair, he could not accept the result .

“Flee, as long as I can escape my next blow, I will spare you not to die.”

Yang Xuan slightly lowered his head and looked down at Yu Qian from a high level, his eyes cold and cold. Full of murderous intention.

Yu Qian and Yang Xuan looked at each other, and their hearts trembled.

He understood that he was really defeated, and he was not Yang Xuan’s opponent at all. He would definitely die if he stayed.

not even think, he stood up, regardless of the aggravation of the injury, urged all the remaining divine force, and used the strongest secret skills of the body and rushed away.

However, before he could escape very far, a terrifying imposing manner came, let him fall to the ground directly from mid-air as if was struck by lightning, and do not raise.

“What’s going on?”

The crowd was dumbfounded. They didn’t feel any imposing manner, but they were still surprised when they saw Yu Qian suddenly fall to the ground.

“You, you comprehended sword dao Profound Truth!”

As expected of the powerhouse of the divine force, Yu Qian soon knew what this imposing manner was. For a while, he even Words are uncomfortable, and the face is full of despair.

Don’t talk about the tyrannical fleshy body, and even comprehended Supreme sword dao Profound Truth, which makes people live?


Yang Xuan raised his right hand, and used his index finger and middle finger to draw out.


A golden sword energy burst out of the sky. It was only half an inch in size at first, but it rose up against the wind, and instantly became the size of several meters, with rays of light all over the body. Shining, but no breath leaked.

“This is!?”

Yu Qian eyes suddenly shrank, it is too late to dodge, so he can only fist to resist.

However, everything is in vain.

The large golden sword energy of several meters has been cast away unabated, obliterating his whole person.

Without a bit of blood blooming, an old powerhouse with a divine force environment of 8 Heavenly Layer disappeared.

This is the Divine Sword Qi, the destructive power can be called Ghost God, which is suppressed by Yang Xuan and did not mobilize too much Sun Zhenyuan, otherwise it would not be difficult to kill Half-Step Supreme.


Not far away, the crowd dispersed in a rush. Everyone took out the trump card’s ability and quickly started to run away.


Yang Xuan used the Free Spirit Step to kill one step at a time and take nine steps. Nine people died tragically. They were suppressed and killed by his fists and no one was able to complete corpse.

“monster, this kid is a monster!”

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