“I just speak frankly that’s all, why do I need to be so angry.”

Yang Xuan shook his robe, and said: “Look at you as a man, now turn around and leave , I can go around you.”

“You can go, but you can hand over the jade slip.”

The strong man’s forehead violently jumped with blue veins, holding back his anger Fire Dao.

“When I die, I still think about the magic jade slip.”

“I admit that you are very strong, but you can’t kill me.”

robust man eye shows the ominous light, as if a decision has been made, and the baleful qi is all over his body.

“The imposing manner is very strong. It must be some killer move, but are you sure you can hit me?”

Yang Xuan was confident, and a chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Boy, you are too conceited, and the price of conceit is often the loss of your life.”

The robust man yelled, suddenly raised his right arm, right hand on the palm Demonic energy surged out, among which there were strands of black thunder and lightning, and the sound of crackle resounded through the sky.

“Black thunder and lightning!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were dim. Although he didn’t know what these black thunder and lightning were, he felt the threat from inside.

“This is the extinction thunder I got from deep underground, through nine deaths and still alive refining. I didn’t want to use it, but to kill you, I can’t control that many.”

robust man expression cold and severe, there is a faintly painful color between the eyebrows. Obviously, this extinction thunder is a one-time consumable, and it will be gone after use.

“The extinction thunder is rare in the world. It is a mutant thunder condensed from the rich land of Yin Qi, you brat don’t be careless.”

The purgatory boy reminded.

“I understand.”

Yang Xuan is secretly nodded. He has a big Void Technique. No matter how strange the Extinction Thunder is, it is difficult to hurt him. What he considers is to How can I prevent others from discovering that he knows Space Secret Technique.


robust man said that he would do it with his hands, a right hand blasted out strongly, and suddenly a large number of demonic energy of extinction thunder rushed out, like boiling The tide is normal, and Yang Xuan will be swallowed.

At this moment, everyone’s eyelids are jumping wildly.

Although they have never heard of Extinction Thunder, the breath that diffuses from that huge piece of demonic energy makes them feel palpitation.

This is an indescribable force, brutal and terrifying.

hong long long!

The demonic energy is horizontal, and it is still rapidly zooming in. In just an instant, it obscures a sky dome and completely shrouds Yang Xuan below.

ka ka ka! ! !

One after another The extinction thunder flickered, and it fell down together with the demonic energy, and the scene was terrifying.

This is the combination of demonic energy and extinction thunder. Destructive power is by no means as simple as one plus one.

“I said, you can’t hit me.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, his response method is very simple, first expand the Free Spirit Step and stay on the void There were countless afterimages, and in these afterimages, his real body quietly used the big Void Technique to retreat.


At the same moment, the demonic energy falls, eliminating all the afterimages.

“Is it so dead?”

“I didn’t die, I didn’t see any blood, how could I die.”

“This is also dead No, this child is really a monster.”

The crowd all exclaimed, because Yang Xuan is probably not dead, but what makes people surprised is, where did this kid go?

“In the sky!”

At this moment, someone pointed their finger into the distance high in the sky.

There, a silhouette stood there unharmed, not Yang Xuan and who?

“This impossible, how could you be alive!?”

The robust man also immediately discovered Yang Xuan, and he immediately opened his mouth and roared. He even wiped out the thunder with his cards. After using it, didn’t expect still failed to kill Yang Xuan.

Don’t talk about killing, there is nothing wrong with them.

“I’m not dead, you have to die. The next blow will send you to see the King of Hades.”

Yang Xuan’s voice is not loud, but it is full of icy cold murderous intention.

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