Chapter 690 Land of Storms

With the disappearance of the tide of reincarnation, this Underground World can already use the Transmission Stone.

It’s just that the transmission stone has a distance limit. If it exceeds a certain distance, it is difficult to use it for transmission. Even if it is transmitted, the message cannot reach the other party’s ears.

Compared with ordinary communication stones, the communication array is undoubtedly much more precious and can be transmitted from a distance.

It just so happened that Chu Yang carried a messaging array with him, and he had sent the news of the magical jade slip to Chu out of the ordinary long ago, so Chu out of the ordinary would come.

“Get up.”

With a wave of Chu out of the ordinary sleeve robe, a force came out of thin air, helping Chu Yang up.

“Thanks Old Ancestor!”

Chu Yang thanked him and stood up straight.

“Yanger, who is the magic jade slip now?”

While speaking, Chu out of the ordinary, sharp pupil light like an eagle, sweeps around, and finally freezes On Wei Qingshu.

Wei Qingshu’s scalp was numb, and he hurriedly said: “Venerable Chu found the wrong person. The magical jade slip is not on Junior.”


Chu out of the ordinary startled, looking down towards Chu Yang below.

“Old Ancestor, you are a step late, and the magic jade slip has been snatched away.”

Chu Yang dare not hide anything, without omission and in detail. The story is told.

“What did you say, a fate kid took away the jade slip from the magical powers, but he also gave the demon race robust man of the divine force realm a second kill!”

Chu out of the ordinary surprised and angry, almost suspecting that he had heard it wrong, he asked coldly: “That kid fled in that direction?”

“If you go back to Old Ancestor, he I’m afraid I went to the land of the storm.”

Chu Yang respectfully said.

hearing this, Chu out of the ordinary frowned, he had also been to the land of the storm earlier, knowing that it was not a good place.

“It shouldn’t be wrong in the direction, but with that kid’s cultivation base, I must not go too deep.”

Chu Yang said again.

“Well, I will go to the place of the storm to look for it.”

Leaving a sentence, Chu out of the ordinary turned around and left.

A kid that’s all from Heavenly Layer 3, no matter how strong he can be, with his cultivation base, he didn’t take seriously at all, but the land of the storm made him somewhat dreaded.

But it doesn’t matter, just as Chu Yang said, that kid would never go deep into the storm.

Watching Chu out of the ordinary, Chu Yang also hurriedly followed along, but compared with Chu out of the ordinary, his speed is not worth mentioning.

“As soon as the supreme comes out, the kid is dead.”

“What shall we do now, if we don’t follow it?”

“Go, Why not go, although you can’t get the magical jade slip, it’s nice to see the excitement.”

Amidst the noise, everyone including Wei Qingshu and Zhou Wen moved and unfolded. Fa, rush to the land of the storm.


The land of the storm, violent wind erupted all year round, endless sand and dust flying around, completely covering the sky, the scene is scary.

Here, not to mention human beings, even a giant mountain will be swept up by the wind for nine days.

“Is this the place of the storm?”

On a huge boulder, Yang Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the storm rising into the sky in the distance, feeling very shocked.

This is a storm formed by the law of wind, a super storm full of tearing force, whether it is a living or dead thing, once it falls into it, it will be crushed into slag.


Yang Xuan right hand bluffs. He picked up a huge boulder from nearby and threw it into the storm far away. He only listened to the pu’ sound, and the huge boulder with several meters instantly became powdery.


Yang Xuan’s eyes are dazzling, this is still the peripheral zone of the storm, presumably the more the formidable power goes into the storm, the stronger the formidable power, even if a supreme enters Dangerous.

In no rush to leave, Yang Xuan sat cross-legged and took out the Divine Ability jade slip that he had recently seized. However, as his mind sank into it, he saw nothing.

“First drop the blood sacrifice exercise, or you will not see anything.”

“so that’s how it is.”

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