Although he did not at all see the words on the tombstone clearly before, Yang Xuan firmly remembered the environment around the tombstone, and he must be able to find it after spending some time in the Primordial Chaos Great World.

“This child touched the emperor’s corpse with his hands, and he was unharmed!”

Zhou Ziyi’s eyelids twitched.

How tyrannical the Ancient Great Emperor is. Even if the body is dead, only one remains is left, it is difficult for martial artists below the emperor to approach, let alone Yang Xuan only has Fate 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base.

But it was this kid who touched the emperor’s corpse with his hand and didn’t die, and put the emperor’s corpse into the storage ring.

“What a surprise, since this child has got its inheritance, it will definitely be fine.”

Chu out of the ordinary coldly said, looked towards Yang Xuan’s eyes Full of greed, it feels like looking at a humanoid treasure house.

“Boy, do you get the inheritance of the great emperor?”

At this moment, Wei Zhongsheng, who had not spoken for a long time, asked, but his eyes were vaguely wary.

For some reason, he always feels that Yang Xuan is very evil. If you don’t mind, you might fall in the sewer.

“What’s your question, are you brat dumb?”

Zhou Ziyi scolded.

“Who, come to fight with me first?”

This is Yang Xuan’s answer. The voice is not loud, but it has a cold murderous intention that makes Gang Gang Chu Yang, Zhou Wen, and Wei Qingshu, who flew down from the abyss, were shocked.

Unimaginable, Yang Xuan dared to shout for the supreme.

A young boy from the Heavenly Layer 3 Heavenly Layer, threatened to fight the Supreme, this matter will be laughed out loudly, and cursed his overestimate one’s capabilities, striking a stone with an egg.

But now that I have heard it with my own ears, I have also seen Yang Xuan’s fighting intent soaring into the sky. They should not believe it.

“What did you say?”

Chu out of the ordinary was born with a hot temper, and it exploded all at once.

“Hehe, interesting, is this legendary juvenile and frivolous?”

“Boy, old man don’t know where you are, but you have to see clearly. There are three Supremes standing opposite, the Supremes who can pinch you to death with bare hands.”

Zhou Ziyi and Wei Zhongsheng laughed, their voices filled with great anger, murderous intention awe-inspiring.

The dignified supreme, the status is so prominent, in the desolate ancient continent, it belongs to the existence that others look up to, but right now, there is a junior martial artist who has uttered wild words and wants to fight with them.

What is this, provocation?

The two people got more and more angry, but they didn’t rush to do it.

It’s easy to kill Yang Xuan, but it’s a bit difficult to ask the emperor’s inheritance from his mouth, and torture is probably necessary.

“Martial Dao cultivation, never ending, above the supreme, as well as Duotian, Emperor, Dongtian, Er and others, cultivated for at least thousands of years, a trifling to Venerable Realm 3rd Layer sky Two of them are Supreme Realm 4 Heavenly Layer.”

Yang Xuan raised his head and scanned Chu out of the ordinary. Zhou Ziyi and Wei Zhongsheng were ruthless and said: “It’s been such a cultivation for so many years. Base, don’t you three Old Guys feel ashamed? What’s more ridiculous is that you still put on an aloof and remote look in front of me, are you qualified?”

Make Three Great Supremes face black and almost run away on the spot.

Yang Xuan’s words are too sharp, and every word is stern.

“My cultivation time is still shallow, and my cultivation base is far behind you, but what about it? With my talent, within 100 years, I will be the emperor.”

Yang Xuan’s mouth Non-stop, arrogant and unparalleled, he didn’t talk nonsense, within 100 years, he was confident that he could step into the emperor.

This is still a normal time, relying on the outside world for one month, the internal Eternal Life Palace for a hundred years, he can do it within one month.

When the time comes, unless it is the legendary powerhouse, All Heavens Myriad Realms will have a hard time for anyone to compete with him.

“Being emperor for a hundred years, this is the funniest joke that an old man has ever heard.”

Chu out of the ordinary laughed with anger, and his face was full of mockery. .

He said coldly: “Boy, I admit that you are very talented, but you want to be the emperor within 100 years. That is almost impossible. Besides, most geniuses are on the cultivation path. I died, and today, you have to die here.”

“you think you can kill me, I’m afraid you can’t.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, face There was no trace of panic on his face.

Even in the face of Three Great Supremes, he is not afraid.

In the past, he is not a supreme opponent.

After comprehended the Profound Truth of the Wind, he has greatly improved and his confidence has doubled. Although he cannot fight the Three Great Supremes alone, he is not without a chance to win a battle against an ordinary supreme.

“This kid…”

Chu Yang, Zhou Wen and Wei Qingshu stood behind their respective families, Old Ancestor, and everyone was shocked and angry.

They are shocked by Yang Xuan’s boldness, and angry that Yang Xuan has humiliated their Old Ancestor in succession.

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