However, Yang Xuan, a mysterious, unimposing in appearance, has no respect for Chu out of the ordinary, but he does not say that he has no respect for Chu out of the ordinary. of the ordinary Quickly go up and fight.

How arrogant and arrogant this is, if you don’t hear it with your own eyes or see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

“Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you.”

Chu out of the ordinary The green veins on his forehead were exposed, and his hostility was soaring, sweeping all directions.

Under this terrifying pressure, some people with a low cultivation base only feel heavy, dizzy and eyes blurred, extremely suffocated, and have a sense of fear of dying.

“Just talk and don’t practice fake handles.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, standing upright and motionless, although most of Chu’s hostility out of the ordinary is rushing Came to suppress him, but he was not affected at all.

With his current fleshy body and tenacious will, unless it is Supreme Emperor Prestige, it is difficult for anything to shake him.

The sentence “Just talk, don’t practice fake handles” thunderously thundered, and a group of martial artists who came to watch the excitement were all sluggish.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Yang Xuan, and no one knew what he was relying on.

Does he think that relying on the tyrannical fleshy body, the ghostly body technique, the Divine Soul secret technique, or some Divine Weapon, can he stop Chu out of the ordinary’s next blow?

Everyone knows that Chu out of the ordinary has already activated True Fire, and then if it does not move, it will do, and if it does, it will be earth shattering. It will never give Yang Xuan a chance to survive.

To put it bluntly, Yang Xuan is dead.

Despite his thousands of methods and all kinds of magical powers, he only has the cultivation base of the 3 Heavenly Layer.

This cultivation base, even if skipping grades to kill a demon race robust man, even if you are pregnant with Divine Weapon, it is difficult to shake the supreme.

The majesty of the supreme is by no means a lip service, it is just a supreme realm that makes martial artists below the supreme helpless.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chu out of the ordinary just stood still and let Yang Xuan fight, and Yang Xuan could hardly break its defense.

“Old Ancestor, what are you waiting for, quickly kill this madman.”

Chu Yang exclaimed furiously.

“haha, even the Fenyan Jiangang couldn’t help me. What did he use to kill me?”

Yang Xuan laughed loudly, showing his madness .

Of course, this is the appearance. In fact, he has always been alert to Chu out of the ordinary.

The opponent is a supreme after all. This kind of person has been cultivating for many years, wily old fox, killing people like scything flax, how can there be no cultivation, don’t Divine Ability secret skills, if you relax your guard, you don’t know how to die.

“What do you little bastard know? The Burning Sword Gang is just one of the many magical powers of my Old Ancestor, Lesser Divine Ability. My Old Ancestor really wants to kill you, it’s like crushing an ant As simple as it is, as easy as blowing off dust.”

Chu Yang roared, like a shrew who cursed the street, and there is no half of the Avatar as a Great Family Young Master.

“The parties did not speak, why do you shout blindly there, don’t stare at me with a pair of dead fish eyes, if you are not convinced, come up and fight me, if you dare not, then pipe down.”

Yang Xuan’s voice is loud and ruthless.


Chu Yang clenched his fists, his teeth rattled, but he did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

With his strength against Yang Xuan, there is no chance of winning at all, and rash moves will only be embarrassing.

“If I dare not fight, I will shut up.”

Yang Xuan shouted.

“little bastard, the one who should shut up is you. Today, I will not only kill you, but also torture you fiercely to death, otherwise it will be hard to vent my hatred.”

Chu out of the ordinary said sharply, directly releasing the Supreme Realm, and a layer of red light emerged from him, rapidly expanding to ten thousand zhang, covering Yang Xuan completely.

It can be said that with this field in existence, Yang Xuan is a bird in a cage, there is no escape.

“Not good, this is the supreme realm, we can’t get out.”

“What should we do, we won’t die here?”

“What are you afraid of, Chu out of the ordinary is the kid who wants to kill, let’s pay attention not to be injured by the aftermath.”

After a short riot, the crowd soon calmed down.

Just as someone said, what Chu out of the ordinary wants to kill is Yang Xuan. They only need to keep their mouths and Chu out of the ordinary will not kill them for no reason.

Furthermore, Chu Yang is also in the field. Chu out of the ordinary will surely be under control later and will not let the aftermath spread.

“Dogs that bite people don’t bark very much.”

Yang Xuan said casually, not loudly, but he was hitting Chu out of the ordinary face, in front of him Zhou Ziyi and Wei Zhongsheng were both stunned by the face of the world.

Yang Xuan’s mouth is really bad enough, but he stimulates Chu out of the ordinary so much, it will only make Chu out of the ordinary even more angry.

“Go to hell!”

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