He didn’t lie either. Although Xiao Yuner was only eight years old this year, she had beautiful facial features, beautiful eyes, and natural beauty. When she grew up, she was definitely a beauty at the level of disaster, and she was beautiful. .

“The big brother laughed at me.”

Xiao Yun’er is so shy, her face is flushed, she seems to be young, but has several points of fascinating, fascinating.

Yang Xuan stared blankly, and immediately said: “Big brother, really, there is no joke to you.”


“Well, it’s more real than real gold, but I don’t know if that man will be blessed to marry my Xiao Yuner in the future.”

“I, I don’t want to marry someone else.”

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuner hesitated and couldn’t help but ask: “Big brother, I, I heard the baby say, you, there are many beautiful elder sisters around you, all of them are as beautiful as Fairy, right? ?”

“Yes, my big brother has a lot of soulmates, but well, all of them are not equal to me, Xiao Yun is pretty.”

Yang Xuan grinned, showing a neat white Tooth, with a bright smile on his face.

“hehe, even though I know that my big brother is lying to me, I am still very happy.”

Xiao Yun’er smiled with tears, she didn’t know where the courage came from. He lifts the head quickly, and kisses Yang Xuan on the face.

Yang Xuan was stunned, and touched his face and said: “Yun’er, you…”

“Big brother, when Yun’er gets older, I will… marry you , Dang…be your wife.”

Xiao Yun’er murmured, looking down at Yang Xuan, even the ears and jade necks are red.

“Marry me?”

Yang Xuan was dumbfounded.

“Wow, Xiao Yuner finally admits that he likes the big brother, huh, hum, I want to be the wife of the big brother. It’s not ashamed.”

In Feitianzhou, The baby was happy, jumping and jumping, jokingly.


Xiao Yuner’s face is red, and her body is hot. She embarrassedly buried her head in Yang Xuan’s arms, and never dared to lift the head to see people.

“Baby, Yun’er is thin-skinned, so don’t tease her.”

Yang Xuan sighed secretly in her heart with a tiger face, pretending to be angry.

He has always regarded Xiao Yun’er as a younger sister, and never thought of anything else, but Xiao Yun’er is obviously attached to him and has reached the point where he does not marry…

“Big brother, you, don’t you like Yun’er?”

Xiao Yun’er raised her head slightly, looking at Yang Xuan pitifully, waiting for his answer.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, he understood that as long as he said something Xiao Yuner didn’t want to hear, the little girl would cry immediately.

“Don’t think about it, Yun’er is so good, how can your big brother dislike you?”

Yang Xuan stared at the poor Xiao Yun’er with a serious expression on his face.

“Hey, the big brother is real. He is a pedophile. He can’t even let a little girl go. It’s broken.”

The baby clapped his hands and laughed happily.

“Pipe down, talk nonsense something.”

Yang Xuan is full of black lines, doesn’t he just say that he likes Yuner? This is the big brother’s liking for younger sister, When did you become a pedophile again?

“hmph, what is so fierce, I ignore you.”

Baby panting with rage is authentic, but he didn’t talk any more gibberish.

“Big brother, will you marry me, will you?”

Xiao Yuner looked at Yang Xuan, her face was red and hot.

Her voice has a little trembling sound, and her tone also has a little expectation, expecting Yang Xuan to say that she will marry her as his wife. This is what she dreams of.

“Yun’er, you are still young, wait until you are older, okay?”

Yang Xuan couldn’t bear to say the words of refusal, and said softly.


Xiao Yuner was nodded, and then added: “Even if the big brother doesn’t marry me in the future, I will stay with the big brother forever. Leave.”

“Stop talking about this, in order to celebrate your great advancement in this girl cultivation base, my big brother made a delicious meal for you today.”

Yang Xuan transfer topic.


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