“weng! ”

The sword cry is loud, resounding through the sky.

A terrifying and vast ice air is condensed on the Dragon Mark Ice Sword, and it spreads in threads. The area of ​​thousands zhang has been affected, and the ground is visible with naked eyes. The speed began to freeze quickly, making bursts of crackle sounds.

hong long long! ! !

Some dilapidated buildings collapsed on the spot and turned into piles of ice dregs.

At this moment, the martial artists below the supreme and Divine Soul are all trembling, unable to help but crawl on the ground, one by one, they are so scared that they are running divine force to protect their bodies.

This is the case, the Extreme-Cold Qi in the air still makes them like an ice cellar, the whole body is cold, the fleshy body and Divine Soul are almost frozen.

“This is… Divine might!”

“What is this guy doing, is he going to urge Divine might when he comes up?”

Many people turn pale and frighten.

“Get up!”

Fang Henyun, Shang Taixu, Shen Hongtao and the other supreme daring not to neglect, they all released their respective fields at the same time.

A cold Attribute top grade Divine Sword burst out of the extreme divine might, destructive power destroying heaven extinguishing earth, or they might be fine if they don’t support the field, but the young juniors behind them have no chance of survival .

“I advise you not to do it, or take responsibility for the consequences.”

Ji Hailin stared at Yan Luo with extremely cold eyes. While speaking, he also took out a blue long sword, but Divine fluctuations are not as good as Dragon Mark’s ice sword.

Ji Haifeng didn’t say a word, but there was also a bloody long knife in his hand.

As soon as the sword was out, a breath of horror immediately rose.

The two great divine might!

Many people trembled all over and couldn’t say a word at all. Some powerhouses in the divine force environment were also scared.

Divine might is enough for terrifying. If the three divine might collide together, the formidable power is really unimaginable.

“This is the Ji Family’s Ice Soul Sword and Bloodthirsty Sword!”

An elder supreme looked from a distance, then recognized something, and whispered.

“Old Ancestor, is this Ice Soul Sword and Bloodthirsty Sword very difficult to deal with?”

“These are two high grade Divine Swords, of which the Ice Soul Sword is Made of icy cold iron, no stronghold one cannot overcome, it can freeze everything, while the bloodthirsty sword blade light is bloody, extremely vicious, and can swallow the blood of living beings.”

very terrifying, but two high grade Divine Item, can you beat the top grade Divine Item Dragon Mark Ice Sword, even more how Yan Luo itself is good at strength. “

“This is hard to say, but if both sides really work hard, the probability of both sides suffer is great. “

Just when a few people were discussing, Yan Luo didn’t fear to say it, but grinned.

“It seems that you two are really menacing. , Well, I will give you a chance. “

“Opportunity? “

Ji Haifeng narrowed his eyes and asked, “What do you mean by this?” “

“It’s very simple, I can return Ji Changtian’s fleshy body to you, but you must promise me one condition. “

“What conditions? “

Ji Hailin browses tightly frowns, his face can’t hide his anger.

He understands that Yan Luo’s conditions will not be simple, otherwise he will not be entrusted to them.

“It hurts your body so badly, don’t be so excited, my conditions are not harsh, for you, it is a simple task, not much difficulty. “

Yan Luo laughed.

“If you have something to say, you can let it go, what’s the matter? “

Ji Haifeng is a violent temper. It is rare to talk with Yan Luo, with an angry expression on his face.

This is also the strength of Yan Luo, holding the Dragon Mark Ice Sword. , And he and Ji Hailin are scrupulous about hurting Ji Changtian’s fleshy body after the war, otherwise they would have been in trouble for a long time, so how could they talk so much nonsense with Yan Luo.

“Nothing. , You two only need to take Yang Xuan to me. Not only will I return Ji Changtian’s fleshy body intact, but also the sword in my hand. “

Yam Luo straight to the point is tunnel, and at the same time, the divine might of Dragon Mark Ice Sword is dispersed.

“Help you take down Yang Xuan? ”

Ji Haifeng browses tightly frowns. With his and Ji Hailin’s cultivation base and strength, it is not difficult to win Yang Xuan. The difficulty lies in Yang Xuan appear and disappear unpredictably, they don’t even know that Yang Xuan is in Where.

If Yang Xuan hasn’t shown up, they won’t take him.

“Do you want to body possession Yang Xuan that kid?” ”

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