Yan Luo looked up at Yang Xuan above, and then looked down at the corner of the mouth flow blood, the robust man covered in dirt in the big pit, suddenly furious.

“The master calms down his anger, and his subordinates will go and take him down.”

The robust man jumped out of the big pit, fearful and sincere, but a pair of bloodthirsty eyes stared at Yang Xuan.

I have to say that this guy’s fleshy body is very strong, and he was only slightly injured by Yang Xuan’s sword.

Not only that, but as if he didn’t feel the slightest pain, he was full of hostility and brutality.

Obviously, Yang Xuan was slashed down by Yang Xuan in full view, which had already aroused his ferocity in the bones. Then, if he didn’t use his hands, he would fight with Yang Xuan, irreconcilable.

“Don’t stare at me, come up and fight again if you are upset.”

Yang Xuan stretched out his left hand moved towards robust man and hooked his finger.

This is contempt, undisguised contempt!

In the past, he couldn’t compete with the robust man.

But now is different. He not only practiced the complete Void Technique, but also comprehended the Profound Truth of Wind.

It is only a speed, it is several times faster than Robust Man.

World martial arts, only speed can not be broken!

When the difference in strength between each other is not too big, when the speed reaches the extreme, there is often no need for complicated moves, just a simple move can defeat the enemy.

“little bastard, you provoke me.”

robust man is a violent temper, how can he stand up to Yang Xuan’s provocation, he immediately raised his head and screamed, and his anger went wild. .

“Come to fight.”

Yang Xuan right hand carries Purgatory Sword, with his left hand behind him, with an extremely leisurely look.

“I stripped you alive.”

robust man roared like a mad beast. In The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the whole person rushed from the ground. And, the speed is 30% faster than before.

However, this speed is still too slow for Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan took a step, the space seemed to be folded in front of him, and appeared directly in front of the robust man.


robust man turn pale with fright, Yang Xuan came too suddenly, let him completely unprepared for a while.

“I am what I am, let’s go down.”

Yang Xuan’s tongue is spring thunder, threw away quickly and slapped the robust man down with his head and face.


The earth quaked, and it was no accident that a human-shaped pit appeared again.

On the edge of the big pit, the crackle sounded endlessly, and the cracks spread to all directions like spider webs. The dust was flying and the sand and rocks fell and splashed, which shows how fierce this slap is.

“really strong!”

Many young martial artists were frightened and swallowed their saliva secretly.

This is also the robust man fleshy body. If you change into them, you won’t be slapped by Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan’s strength is so great that it makes them tremble from the bottom of their hearts. It’s hard to imagine how a teenager who is much younger than them can develop such a terrifying fleshy body. .

This kind of Fleshy body is not an exaggeration to describe it as the best body.

An ordinary martial artist, unless he is holding a Divine Weapon, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break his defense.

“This pervert!”

Shen Yulong cursed, the stronger Yang Xuan’s strength, the more uncomfortable he felt.

If he didn’t know that Yang Xuan was no match for him, he would have gone into battle in person and killed Yang Xuan to avenge his dead brother Kong Yun.

“The Fleshy body is second. His speed is so fast that people can’t guard against it.”

Qiu Shaoyang whispered, staring at Yang Xuan without blinking.

“Useless things.”

Here, the complexion ashen of Yan Luo, the robust man is also his servant, Yang Xuan, this slap seems to be a robust man On the face, he was actually hitting him in the face, it was a kind of crackling, he only felt a hot and uncomfortable face.

“Your master seems to be angry, just get out of here if you die.”

Yang Xuan shouted.

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