Ji Haifeng cursed violently . He was resisted by the domain and did not suffer any injuries. However, due to his proximity to the battlefield, his whole person was thrown out, battered and exhausted.

What made him even more unbearable was that this was a divine might from Divine Sword from their Ji Family town clan.

“Well, isn’t it just a little embarrassed, since he used the Divine might, he will inevitably fall into weakness, we may be able to take the opportunity to take him down this time.”

Ji Hailin came to Ji Haifeng’s side, talking and looking at the distant battlefield.

There, the cold is surging, and the rays of light are dazzling, covering everything. After a few breaths, the dust and smoke disappear, the cold is extinguished, and the heavens gradually return to calm.

“It’s over!”

The crowd let out a sigh of relief, and looked intently, the pupil light stunned.


“His opponent is Demon Sovereign Yama. Just now he used Divine might. Even if he hides in the dark void, he will be affected.”

“Damn it, I didn’t kill him like this!”

Many people whispered, some were shocked, some were angry, such as Shen Yulong.

However, the anger turned anger, his eyes were focused on the high sky in the distance, just like everyone else.

There, a handsome young man stands in the sky, who is not Yang Xuan.

He was breathing fast, his black hair was messy, red marks were clearly visible on his white clothed suit, and a few strands of red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, showing injuries.

It’s just that the number of injuries is hard to judge by naked eye alone.

Look at Yan Luo again, standing alone with a sword on the frost-covered, devastated ground. Although he is unharmed, he looks pale and gasping for breath.

This is the ultimate divine might. Formidable power is destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, but it also consumes a lot of itself.

At this moment, except for the gasps of the two, this world is deadly quiet. No one speaks. Everyone’s eyes are scanned back and forth between the two.

At this moment, a voice broke the silence.

“a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, Demon Sovereign deserves to be Demon Sovereign, it is really powerful.”

It is Yang Xuan who speaks, and he speaks in Yan Luo. When divine might, he took the lead to escape into the dark void, coupled with his strong fleshy body, and the sun’s true essence defense, so the injury is not serious.

Under the nourishment of qi and blood, it takes at most 5 minutes to recover completely.

What shocked him was Yan Luo’s combat experience. This guy deserves to be a Demon Race emperor who has been practicing for a long time. Just now he almost found his position and gave him a sharp blow.

This means that he reacts fast enough, otherwise, under the extreme divine might, he won’t even be able to leave any bones.

“You are not weak, if it were not for the cultivation time, and the cultivation base is lower, in my current state, it is absolutely difficult to fight with you.”

Yan Luo expression is cold. , Panting.

“This is the nonsense, if you have the courage, come and fight me on the bridge.”

Leave a word, Yang Xuan will turn around and leave, don’t do anything. After staying, his figure flickered, and he had fallen on the bridge of reincarnation.

“On the bridge, this child is not so bold!”

Someone exclaimed and was shocked by Yang Xuan’s crazy and bold behavior.

You must know that not long ago, an old martial artist of the divine force environment 8 Heavenly Layer was thrown on the bridge by Yan Luo, and he was violent death in a moment. From this we can see how dangerous the bridge of reincarnation is.

But Yang Xuan didn’t even think about it, so he went up like this.

“Brother Qiu, didn’t you say that the bridge is dangerous, why this child has not died?”

Shen Yulong looked at Yang Xuan on the bridge of reincarnation, then looked at Looking at the side, Qiu Shaoyang frowned tightly.

Qiu Shaoyang did not answer, but stared at Yang Xuan in a daze.

He knows that Yang Xuan is bold and unscrupulous, and will definitely not give up the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment.

But seeing Yang Xuan without blinking his eyelids, he resolutely stepped onto the bridge of reincarnation, and there was still a huge wave in his heart.

He was thinking, if it was him, would he dare to climb the bridge?

“Boy, you are bold, but don’t you think that you can escape this tribulation if you get on the bridge?”

Yan Luo was coldly shouted, shaking so that the void was shaking.

“Did you have bad ears, or deliberately pretended not to hear, I asked you to come up to the bridge to fight me, if you dare not, then shut up, don’t bark like a dog there .”

Yang Xuan sarcastically said.

“courting death.”

Yan Luo furiously attacked his heart, and rushed to the bridge of reincarnation.

“I thought you, Demon Sovereign, were timid and afraid to go to the bridge.”

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