Yang Xuan was shocked and couldn’t help looking towards the man in the bow.

The man in the clothes sat on the floor without saying a word. Because of the hat, Yang Xuan couldn’t even see the other person’s face.

He didn’t dare to open Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to spy, heaven knows what the other party’s temper is, and a person who is not good enough to offend him must not be slapped to death by the other party.

“Forget it, I’ll study it myself.”

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, turned his head and turned his gaze to the giant peak in front of him, and was surprised to find that the spring water on the giant peak reappeared. The spring water of Beijing keeps coming out and gathers into streams, the sound of running water is gurgling, like a pearl falling on a plate.

At the same time, a large number of young shoots broke out of the soil and thrived at the speed visible to naked eye. Some turned into flowers and plants, fighting for beauty and exhaling fragrance, and some turned into towering trees, vigorously and vigorously. tall and straight.

However, after just a few breaths of time, all the spring water dried up and disappeared, and all kinds of flowers and trees withered and died.

After such a meeting, the spring water reappeared, the ding dong sounded, and the flowers and trees regenerated, swaying and shining, lush and green……

All this is endless. , Repeating, cyclical movement, as if constantly evolving with decline and rebirth.

“This is reincarnation!”

The purgatory boy secretly shouted inwardly.


Yang Xuan was shocked and muttered to himself: “World’s All Living Things, all from nothing, from nothing to nothing, yin and yang infinite cycle, and This process is reincarnation.”

“Yes, One Flower One World, one leaf and one bodhi, is the truth.”

Yang Xuan seems to have figured out something, in his eyes Bright light bursts.

“As you said, this is reincarnation, and you brat can see so thoroughly at a young age, which shows that the talent and perception are extremely high, and you will surely pass Immortal Sect in the near future. Enter Immortal World.”

The Yin Yiren stood up and said, with a bit of appreciation in his voice.

“Senior is too acclaimed, Junior just sent it out of feelings and talked casually, so I am ashamed of it?”

Yang Xuan modestly said.

“You don’t need to be humble. Your talent and perception are second. What I admire most is your will. If not, you are also impossible to go through two levels and follow me to the peak of Samsara.”

The Yin Yiren waved his hand.

“This peak is called Reincarnation Peak?”

Yang Xuan looked at Jufeng, then looked at Yin Yiren, and asked curiously.

“As you can see, this is the peak of reincarnation.”

Hu Yi humanity.

“The bridge of reincarnation, the lake of reincarnation, the peak of reincarnation, everything is related to reincarnation.”

Yang Xuan thought while saying: “After all this, I still don’t know the surname of Senior Your name?”

“Long years have passed, and my real name has long been forgotten. You can call me Ming Lao.”

Yin Yiren lightly sighed, and took off the black hat, revealing a wrinkle Densely covered, very old face.

Yang Xuan looked at the man in the dress, and found that although the other party was a corpse puppet, his eyes were piercing, as if he could see through the heart.

While being surprised, he gave a salute and asked respectfully: “Ming Lao, what should Junior do now?”

“See the layers of stone steps under the Samsara Peak No, that is the step of reincarnation that goes straight to the top of the mountain, and it is also the third test. You only need to pass the test of step of reincarnation and climb to the top of the peak of reincarnation to see the statue of our lord. If you can get the approval of our lord, there will be There is a chance to get Martial Spirit fragments of Samsara.”

Ming Lao raised his right hand and pointed to the next stone steps of Samsara Peak and said.

Yang Xuan looked in the direction of Ming Lao’s fingers, and he found a stone step.

The stone steps are about five feet wide, and the whole body is like a Han white jade paved, straight up all the way, and finally submerged in the clouds on the mountainside.

“Reincarnation Step? Statue?”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, understanding that the stone steps are the Reincarnation Step, and the statue is the Immortal Monarch statue if there is no accident.

Thinking of this, he hesitated, still curiosity prevailed, and asked: “Is the master of Ming Lao Immortal Monarch?”

“Reincarnation Immortal Monarch?”

Old Ming was stunned and shook his head to say with a smile: “This must be taken by an outsider. My lord is indeed a generation of Immortal Monarch, but not a reincarnation Immortal Monarch.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan said suddenly, but it was difficult to calm down in his heart for a long time.

No matter what the world calls, Immortal Monarch is a fairy after all, and it is very possible that I, a common man, will see a statue of a fairy with his own eyes today.

“You have been waiting for countless years to welcome you as a person. Go ahead and hope you can successfully reach the summit of Samsara.”

Ming Lao waved his hand.

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