Yang Xuan startled.

“Haha, I was the first person to climb the peak of Samsara.”

Boss Ming laughed.

“Ming Lao is so powerful, Junior admires it to prostrate oneself in admiration.”

Yang Xuan also laughed. Being able to climb the peak of reincarnation means that he has passed the step of reincarnation. The will is somewhat terrifying.

“You brat don’t need to compliment me. Although my will is strong, it is far less than you. What’s more, I am not as lucky as you, and I have not experienced many reincarnations.”

Ming Lao laughed dumbly and waved his hand: “Go, now is the time to break through the barrier, and I will be watching you here, hoping you can climb the mountain of Samsara in one fell swoop.”

“Junior is sure to live up to Senior’s expectations.”

Yang Xuan cupped the hands and looked up towards the step of reincarnation in front of him.

The reincarnation stage is made up of pure white ancient jade, and there are a total of one thousand and eight-Layer.

In other words, this is one thousand and eight samsara. Of course, how many people in the world have experienced so many samsara?

If it does, its luck will be a bit against the sky.

“Since my debut, I can always turn peril into safety in times of catastrophe, and I can find some treasures from time to time. It can be seen that my luck is very strong, but I don’t know how many reincarnations I will experience.”

“One reincarnation, one world, one identity, and I don’t know whether it’s a male or a female, being a man or a beast…”

“No matter how many reincarnations, my name is Yang Xuan. I only seek this life. Struggle for a lifetime, this life, I shall be the top, the Heavenly God demons want to crush me, I will kill the gods and destroy the demons…”

Yang Xuan whispered a few words, and then solemnly issued a big wish. The voice was not loud, but it echoed clearly between Heaven and Earth, making Ming Lao moved.

At this moment, he had a faint illusion. In his eyes, this young man is a Demon God standing proud in the world. He is all around, millions of dead bodies, blood flowing into a river, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves sound endless, like a boundless Asura field.

“What’s going on!?”

Ming Lao trembled, and even had the urge to kneel to worship.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what was in his mind, he adjusted his breathing, and resolutely raised his footsteps and stepped onto the 1st floor of reincarnation.


At this moment, the mountains and rivers faded, the universe turned upside down, and on the 1st floor of reincarnation, a tyrannical aura suddenly burst out.

Yang Xuan was shocked, Divine Soul came out of his body, and was instantly swept by this aura into a whirlpool-like white channel, disappearing completely.


Divine-Martial Continent, Stars Island.


In a spacious room, accompanied by a loud cry, a baby boy gu gu landed.

“Give birth, give birth, I am Yang Tian as a father…”

Outside the room, a young man danced to be wild with joy, it was Yang Xuan’s father Yang Tian.

“Congratulations, Patriarch, you are a big fat boy.”

At this moment, the door creaked open, and a middle-aged woman dressed as a midwife was sweaty. Ran out.

“Congratulations to Young Master, congratulations to Young Master.”

Yang Fu was also excited, and congratulated Yang Tian on the side.


Yang Tian scratched his head and smirked a few times. Then he thought of something, and hurriedly asked: “Where is Young Master? “

“It’s okay, but because of the injury, I just gave birth to a young Master, and my body is a little weak.”

The middle-aged woman replied respectfully.

“That’s fine.”

Yang Tian relaxed, and rushed into the room.

“Qian’er, thank you for your hard work.”

Yang Tian walked all the way to the innermost bed and looked at the woman on the bed lovingly.

The 20-year-old woman is up and down, with exquisite features, beautiful hair like a waterfall, and her graceful figure wrapped in a plain white skirt. The beauty is suffocating.

However, at this moment, her face is extremely pale, not much bloody, which makes people feel distressed.

Needless to say, the woman is Yang Xuan’s mother He Lianqian.

“Tian Lang, hurry up and bring the child to show me.”

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