“I created it when I was young.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch said bluntly.

“Sure enough!”

Yang Xuan’s heart moved secretly, and once again bent towards Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch to give a salute: “Boy Yang Xuan, from Xuanhuang World, meet Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch “

For existence like Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch, a single thought may be able to know what he is thinking in his heart, so he does not need to hide his identity, and speak frankly may be able to win the favor of the other party. .

“No need to be polite,”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch brushed his sleeves, and a gentle force surged out to lift Yang Xuan up.

“Thanks Immortal Monarch.”

Yang Xuan respectfully and authentically.

“You don’t have to be so cautious, and you don’t have to worry about your own safety. No matter what amazing background you have, since you can pass the three levels and climb the peak of Samsara all the way, then it proves that you are connected to me. I am It won’t hurt you.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch said.

“Immortal Monarch can accomplish all the good fortune, possesses great magical power, I wonder if the kid’s life experience can be calculated?”

Yang Xuan hesitated.

Not to mention the past lives of this life, whenever he thinks of the third life within reincarnation, the black dome located in the depths of a dark Star Domain, it is difficult for him to keep calm in his heart, and he desperately wants to figure out everything.

This is related to his origin. If you don’t understand, he feels as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

“I can’t calculate your life experience.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch shook his head.

“How is it possible that you are Immortal Monarch, there is still something you can’t figure out in the world?”

Yang Xuan was surprised and depressed again. He thought it was Immortal Monarch’s ability should be able to calculate something, but it seems Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch doesn’t know his origin.

“Immortal Monarch or Immortal King is nothing more than the cultivation base has reached a certain height, but it is not omnipotent.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch said with a smile: ” I don’t know your specific origin, but I can tell you clearly that you are not from the human world.”

“I am not from the human world?”

Yang Xuan froze Lived, and then shocked: “According to what Immortal Monarch meant, kid is it possible that from Immortal World?”

“It can’t be wrong.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch nodded .

“This…I actually come from Immortal World!”

Yang Xuan opened his mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.

This fact is so amazing, it caused him an unimaginable impact.

“Your situation is very special, it’s not as simple as samsara reincarnation.”

“I hope Immortal Monarch will give you some guidance?”

“Good cultivation, wait You condense a complete heavenly demon Martial Spirit, and you will surely be able to inspire the magical power in the depths of your Divine Soul. When the time comes, you can naturally know everything.”

“The magical power in the depths of my Divine Soul Power?”

“Well, this magical power is very powerful, and it also contains the mystery of your life experience. If you can awaken this power, you can find the deep sleep in your Divine Soul The memory of the place.”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan blurted out: “Immortal World is vast, with immortals, Buddhas, people, gods, ghosts, demons, and demons. Could this kid be a cultivator before?”

“You are not only a cultivator, the cultivation base before reincarnation is much higher than mine, so I can’t figure out your origin.”

“Higher than you !?”

“In Immortal World, Martial Dao True Immortal can be regarded as an expert. Every Martial Dao True Immortal has its own dojo, and there are many disciplines under it. In Martial Dao, above Immortal, There are also Immortal Monarch, Immortal Saint, and Supreme Immortal King.”

“What about Immortal King and above?”

“Immortal King and above are Immortal Emperor, but Immortal Emperor only exists At the beginning of the mythical age, the Immortal World today is no longer as prosperous as before. There are not even Immortal Kings, let alone Immortal Emperor.”

Speaking of which, Immortal Monarch Turn over and take out a spar.

“This…is it the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation!?”

Yang Xuan’s mouth was dry, his eyes fixed on the spar in the hands of Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch.

About half a fist sized, crystal clear and near-transparent, in an irregular rhombus shape. When you look carefully, half of this spar is obviously missing, and naked eye can see silk on it. Strands of white mist entangled.

“It is the Martial Spirit fragment of reincarnation.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch nodded lightly and said: “I will draw out its Source Power now. If you can absorb this Source Power, You can use it as your own.”

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