crash-bang! ! !

The strands of brilliance are intertwined, surging down like a billowing wave, and a vast expanse of whiteness, like a surging Star River, dazzling, and the shining sky, in an instant flooded Yang Xuan below.

Yang Xuan sits on the ground, abandoning distracting thoughts, is empty in his heart, and has not tried to resist. Even if he resists, his current cultivation base can’t stop him, so why bother.

Walking all the way here, he crossed the bridge of reincarnation, crossed the lake of reincarnation, and climbed to the peak of reincarnation strongly. He has tried his best. Now he can only resign himself to his fate, if he can’t absorb the Source Power of the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments. , He also has a clear conscience.

bang!! !

I have to say that the Source Power of the Martial Spirit fragments of Samsara is very vast. The strands of white light penetrated into Yang Xuan’s body, submerged into his fleshy body and Divine Soul, but did not bring him the slightest Painful.

Just like the dawn of dawn shining on the earth, and like rain and dew nourishing all things, not only there is no pain, but it makes him feel like soaking in a hot spring, warm and indescribable.

“Where did this child come from? It has absorbed the Source Power of the Martial Spirit fragments without any obstruction!”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch whispered, his voice filled with thick Shocked and unbelievable.

How the Martial Spirit of Reincarnation was born, has not been verified.

It is rumored that it is a law of good fortune and is closely related to Six Roads of Samsara.

It is also said that it originated from a mysterious forbidden place, is the most mysterious order in the world, and contains the terrifying power of time and space.

Under this kind of power, no matter what kind of creature it is, no matter how high the cultivation realm is, even the Supreme, the immortal Immortal King, cannot contend and must be suppressed.

Since ancient times, how many Immortal Kings couldn’t ask for this kind of power, but right now, a mysterious, full of magical youth in the depths of Divine Soul, with no difficulty, has absorbed the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation. Source Power.

The reincarnation Martial Spirit has two pieces. Since Yang Xuan can absorb one of them, it can also absorb the second piece. If it can gather a complete reincarnation Martial Spirit, it’s better than Immortal King. It can’t help him.

“This child is out of the ordinary. I forge a good relationship with him today, which will definitely be of great benefit to me.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch muttered to himself, Although he has only a ray of thoughts left now, his life and soul has long been samsara reincarnation.

Only waiting for Yang Xuan to absorb the Source Power of the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation, he will leave the Pagoda and let this remnant will fall into the Reincarnation Body, so that he can awaken the memories of the past. It is hoped that in the near future Return to Immortal World.

“Weird, my body…can absorb the Source Power of the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation.”

At this moment, Yang Xuan can hardly remain calm anymore, his heart is ups and downs. , I don’t understand what this is all about.

However, for some reason, looking at the white world around him, he had a faint illusion, as if he had entered a peculiar time and space, where space and time became extremely chaotic and disordered.

This scene is so similar to the mysterious time and space where the black dome enters.

“Black Dome, mysterious time and space, Source Power of Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation…”

“Martial Spirit of reincarnation, can awaken the memory of thousands of generations, and also get through Six Roads of Samsara makes samsara reincarnation……”

“Wait, Six Roads of Samsara, I remember the old man once said that Six Roads of Samsara is a kind of Grand Dao Law, detached from Heavenly Dao. It was born in the age of mythology, and if Six Roads of Samsara is likened to a boundless Super Great Formation, the Martial Spirit of Samsara is most likely its core formation eye.”

Yang Xuan’s thoughts are flying, thoughts It is also very bold. As for right or wrong, there is only heaven knows.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and in the midst of it, it seems like a deep and unmeasurable Sound of Great Dao echoes in his mind.

“The Three Realms, Samsara Six Paths, such as the spinning wheel, infinite cycle, get Samsara Artist, control life and death…”

“Control life and death!”

Yang Xuan was shocked both physically and mentally, and instinctively opened his mouth directly, swallowing the white light of his whole body, and blending it into the fleshy body and Divine Soul.

At the same time, the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment ka-cha above shattered with a sound, turned into a few rays of light, and all fell into his top of the head.

“Success so soon!”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch was surprised.

“I…successfully succeeded!”

Yang Xuan was also shocked. He stood in a daze, and did not return to his soul for a long time.

“The Martial Spirit of Reincarnation was originally one, but in a melee in Immortal World, it was eventually divided into two. One of them was acquired by me, and the other was unknown. If you can make the second The refining of Martial Spirit fragments of Samsara will definitely be able to control Six Roads of Samsara. When the time comes Supreme Immortal King, it won’t kill you.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch said slowly, there was not much surprise in his voice.

Yang Xuan woke up and asked curiously: “Dare to ask Immortal Monarch, what is the relationship between Martial Spirit and Six Roads of Samsara?”

“The two appear together, There is a connection. As for the relationship, I don’t know.”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch said, “What did you think of?”

” Yes, the kid has a bold idea.”

“Oh, let’s talk about it.”

“That’s it, the kid guessed that Six Roads of Samsara might be a big team. And the Martial Spirit of Samsara is its formation eye.”

“Your idea…is really bold enough!”

Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch stared wide-eyed.

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