“You too.”

Yan Luo waved his hand and signaled the side corpse puppet robust man to leave. Even he was not absolutely sure that he could deal with Yang Xuan, let alone robust. man.

With Yang Xuan’s current cultivation base, it’s probably just one blow to kill the robust man.

“The subordinates will not leave.”

The robust man shook his head.

“Let you go, where is so much nonsense?”

Yan Luo frowned and scolded coldly.

“Master, you don’t need to say more, your subordinates were saved by you in the early years. Life is your person, and death is your ghost. I promise to live and die with you.”

Robust man thumped and knelt down in front of Yama, resolutely speaking to Danger Land, even if he knows to wait for bode ill rather than well, but he is not afraid and never abandons Yama.

“Tsk tusk, it’s really deeply affectionate between the master and the servant, no matter what, I’ll kill your master and servant later, so if you two go together on Yellow Springs Road, you will not Feeling lonely.”

Yang Xuan let out a chuckle.

“little bastard, you are too arrogant, master you think you can kill me, just step on the corpse of Lao Tzu.”

robust man binocular fire-breathing, murderous- Looking is authentic, and at the same time he regrets that he didn’t get rid of Yang Xuan in the black ancient coffin and let him grow up.

“A little corpse that’s all, I can kill you with a single sword.”

Yang Xuan face revealed disdain, the faster he goes, his eyes glow with cold electricity , Glanced at the two masters of Yan Luo and Ji Family who were separated in two directions, shouted: “You and the other three, who will fight me first?”

In one word, it was sonorous and powerful.

“Come on, but beg for a fight!”

There was another mad drink, ten thousand zhang of endless pride, almost piercing the sky.

“This kid…”

In the distance, the crowd’s eyelids jumped wildly, staring at Yang Xuan in a daze, only to see his black hair flying, fighting intent like tide, each minding their own business authentic: “I enter the divine force, I can kill the supreme, if I am the divine, I can destroy the sky, when I become the emperor, no one in the world will be able to fight with me.”

While speaking, the sharp and sharp aura of the whole body sweeps across the world, sweeping across all directions, like myriad swords cry, clank and force.

Qiang clang!! !

Many people’s sabers are shaking, as if they are about to leave their sheaths.

“Is this the sword dao Profound Truth!?”

A young genius in the divine force realm trembled, holding the hilt tightly with his big hand, not letting the sword fly out.

“What else can it be if it’s not Sword Dao Profound Truth, let’s not say how strong this child is, but his accomplishments on Sword Dao are far beyond me.”

Someone smiled bitterly.

“The two old thiefs of the Ji Family, can you dare to fight?”

Yang Xuan said again, directly shouting for the Ji Family twins.

“To get really angry.”

Ji Haifeng to get really angry.

“Whether it is arrogant, you will know it in the first battle.”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, arrogant, his eyes turned to Yan Luo, indifferently said: “And you, with Ji Family Compared with the two old fogeys, I want to kill you more. Do you know why?”

“Because I want to body possession you?”

Yan Luo on his forehead Black lines emerged, holding back the anger Fire Dao.

Chapter 741 Sword refers to Yama

“hehe, body possession, I am only one aspect, another aspect, I need to borrow your Remnant Soul to use it.”

Yang Xuan grinned and seemed to be smiling, but his words were full of cold murderous intention.

He stared at Yan Luo with cold eyes, and Yan Luo regarded him as a prey. How did he know that he also regarded him as a prey, and wanted to devour the magic power in his Divine Soul to strengthen heavenly demon? Martial Spirit.

As long as everything goes well, he will soon have four wings heavenly demon, which can quadruple the battle strength in a short time.

With his current strength, if it is soaring four times, he will have the power to fight against an ordinary heaven-sweeping power.

Of course, he is eager to strengthen the heavenly demon Martial Spirit. The more important goal is to wake up the memory of sleeping in the depths of Divine Soul as soon as possible, so as to learn about the life experience before the third reincarnation.

“Lend my Remnant Soul for a use?”

Yan Luo complexion sank, while angry, he couldn’t help being shivered all over his body. He had a faint feeling that Yang Xuan wanted to take his own What experiment does Remnant Soul do.

“little bastard you are courting death.”

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