“Pull sword technique!”

Yang Xuan shot cold light in his eyes and waved Purgatory Sword, a golden sword energy slashed out, unparalleled, heaven-shaking, The earth-shattering slammed into the Blazing Mad Lion fiercely who was jumping over.

“bang! ”

This world suddenly boiled, like the river’s ups and downs, and like the vast sea hitting the sky, everywhere all is the flames of golden and red colors, burning blazing, endless brilliance .

“Sword slaughter style!”

Almost at the same time, Ji Hailin made a bold move. Both of his hands held the sword and slashed, it was a chill of some kind of magical power. Ice sword energy.


There are a dozen feet of ice sword energy, the whole body is blooming gorgeously, and there is also the fierce Slaughter Sword Intent, which is so powerful that the space seems to be torn apart, one After another ripples spread to all directions like a spider web.

“Bone shattering fist!”

Yang Xuan did not see the slightest panic on his face. He squeezed his left hand into a fist, and quickly punched out a small mountain of golden fist strength. It breaks through the air with the power of destroying all spirits, shattering the ice sword energy, and splashing cold air.

All of this happened in a flash. When everyone in the spectators reacted, most of them were shocked and inexplicable.

This is too strong. Under the joint attack of Ji Family, Yang Xuan is still so comfortable, never showing any disadvantage.

This is different from the battle outside the bridge of reincarnation. At that time, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base was too low, facing the Ji Family double veterans completely passive, if he was not pregnant with a large Void Technique, he would have been Ji Family. The fusion domain of Shuang Zun was suppressed.

But today is different. After stepping into the divine force realm, the cultivation base is still far less than the Ji Family doubles, but Yang Xuan’s strength has a qualitative leap, as if it can be compared with the Ji Family The double head is hard to shake.

“This kid…”

Ji Family Shuangzun did not make another move. Even if they make a move, it is estimated that it will be difficult for them to win Yang Xuan. Why should they waste divine force instead of waiting for Yang? Xuan fights with Yan Luo first, they may be able to take the opportunity to get rid of the two together.

“Why, I dare not do it?”

Yang Xuan glanced at Ji Family Shuangzun disdainfully, then turned his head and looked towards Yama on the other side, “Fight, today either you will die or i will die.”

“You little beast, go and die.”

The corpse puppet robust man suddenly attacked, like a cannonball out of its chamber, straight moved towards Yang Xuan rushed over.


Yan Luo complexion greatly changed, it is too late to stop it.

“Master, you must live back to the evil Demon Realm. If there is an afterlife, your subordinates will follow you and do your best.”

robust man shouting loudly , The whole body exploded, the whole person swelled sharply, and a thick corpse gas was still gushing out of his body.

This is Self-destruction, which can also be called corpse explosion, and a corpse puppet whose strength is comparable to the supreme self-destruction, its lethality is not to be underestimated, and it is enough to blow up an ordinary supreme.

“courting death!”

Yang Xuan pupil light was cold, before the robust man approached, he cut out a sword swiftly.


A golden sword energy emerges out of the sky, gorgeous and dazzling, no stronghold one cannot overcome, speed to the pinnacle, just a blink of an eye, it has already killed the robust man Right now.

“So fast!”

The pupils of the robust man shrank suddenly, twisting his body forcibly to get out of the way.

However, it was too late, and only a loud bang was heard, and the golden sword energy cut him into fly ashes, and the thick corpse energy gushing from him within the body was also in Sun God burned and disappeared thoroughly.

Sun God power, known as the strongest divine force in All Heavens Myriad Realms, formidable power naturally needless to say, especially Sun God power has a strong restraint effect on corpse energy and Yin Qi. .

“It’s dead!”

Shen Yulong is completely cold, as strong as a corpse puppet, robust man, even if Yang Xuan can’t stop it with a single sword, he no longer exists. This is What a powerful and terrifying strength.

“One sword kills, this child is terrifying!”

Others were also surprised, with ups and downs in their hearts, although they had known that Yang Xuan, who had entered the divine force realm, would definitely be stronger In the past, but seeing that he killed the robust man with a single sword, I still couldn’t calm down.

“I can’t even take a sword. It’s really impossible to withstand a single blow.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips, pupil light stares at Yama, without any emotion Authentic: “Your subordinates take one step first, and then it’s your turn.”

Hearing this, this world is silent, and many spectators stare at Yang Xuan blankly.

A white robe untainted by even a speck of dust, thick black hair dancing in the wind, the figure is straight, the whole person is like a peerless sword, and the body is filled with incomparable The sharpness is enough to tear apart all the sharpness.

“Kill my men, I want you a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

Yan Luo hated endlessly, and attacked with anger, a big dry hand raised, The ten-finger profound ice gushing out, turned into a large ice giant claw of several dozen meters, moved towards Yang Xuan at a very fast speed and grabbed it head-on.

Yang Xuan’s expression remained unchanged, with a stroke of the Purgatory Sword in his hand, the golden sword energy skyrocketed, sweeping over the ice giant claw.


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