
Su Ziyao was pleasantly surprised, although Yang Xuan’s voice was not as tender as before, but a little indifference to the indifference of beyond a thousand li. But as long as Yang Xuan is sane.

“Big brother, do you…recognize me?”

Gu Qingying asked timidly with a pale face.

“Don’t worry, the big brother is very awake, you are Xiao Ying’er, the big brother’s favorite Xiao Ying’er!”

Yang Xuan laughed blankly.

“Very good, the big brother recognizes me!”

Gu Qingying was so happy, Fang Qingxue, Shen Yuexin, Xia Yuwei and other women also secretly relaxed, no matter how scary Yang Xuan looks now , As long as others are fine.

Yang Xuan naturally knew that the women were worried about him, so he didn’t say anything more, holding a sword and striding towards the opposite Sabajun, Xue Wutian, Gui Wushuang.

Without words, his actions explained everything. Everyone knew that he was going to fight Three Great Supremes.

Looking at Yang Xuan striding forward, smashing the army to browse tightly frowns, forcibly calmly said: “Your Martial Spirit is Divine Grade Martial Spirit?”

“Not bad. “

Yang Xuan nodded.

“What the hell is this… Martial Spirit?”

Xue Wutian asked, his voice trembling faintly.

“This is heavenly demon Martial Spirit. I rarely use it until now. The main reason is that the cultivation base is too low to master this power. But now is different from the past. With my cultivation base, The strength of my Divine Soul, this power can no longer backlash to me.”

Yang Xuan keeps walking, walking and walking each step, and his magical power will be stronger.

“Who is the person who banned in secret?”

Xue Wutian asked with a numb scalp, resisting fear.

“For the sake of your dying, it’s okay to tell you that I have a Dao Protector that robs the sky.”

Yang Xuan’s voice is cold and hoarse, his eyes open and close. In the meantime, the scarlet light shone, and the reflected world was blood red, full of solemn killing aura.

“Dao Protector!”

hearing this, killing this, killing the army, bloodless, ghosts, all change color, at least it is the supreme of cultivation for many years, they naturally understand that Dao Protector is What? In fact, in the ancient times, their Divine-Martial Continent had better Dao Protectors.

These people have objects that must be protected to the death, and all are experts, and those with the lowest cultivation base are all in the world.

“Hehe, don’t be afraid, my Dao Protector will not do it to you, because I alone can kill you.”

Yang Xuan Leng Sensen Truthfully, the two pairs of heavenly demon wings behind him vigorously shook, fully stretched out, and a force field burst out in vain, covering a hundred miles of the world.

This is the heavenly demon force field that suppresses everything. Under this force field, any martial artist will tremble with Divine Soul, timidly, and it is difficult to issue ten out of ten battle strength. match.

Some people who have a low cultivation base and are not strong enough will even flew away and scattered in this force field.


There was a sound of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, but all the Three Sects martial artists in the heavenly demon force field could not bear it. Winged birds are just like, one after another, they fall from the sky.

A small number of people were already seriously injured. After such a fall, suddenly breathe one’s last.

This scene shocked countless people. They haven’t even taken a shot yet. A tyrannical aura alone has brought a large number of Three Sects martial artists to the ground. If they take a shot, it must be if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, unmatched.

“It’s so uncomfortable, let’s go!”

In the forest, many people are trembling with fear, crawling and fleeing into the distance, afraid to stay in heavenly demon for a long time. Shrouded in the field.

“Since you are in my heavenly demon field, then you can go to death!”

A cold and severe voice fell, two pairs of heavenly demon by Yang Xuan The heavenly demon force field released by Wings is stronger.

During this process, many people fell to the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices, and breathless.



The people who are still alive almost collapsed, wailing.

“suppress and kill!”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, the formidable power of the heavenly demon force field skyrocketed again, and the world was shaking violently for a while, as if the sky had fallen, booming It keeps ringing.

At the same time, the various sounds in the forest stopped abruptly, and everyone died suddenly under this terrifying heavenly demon force field.

“This impossible, how can there be such a terrifying Martial Spirit in the world!”

Gui Wushuang can no longer maintain his composure, his face full of panic and anxiety, in heavenly demon power Under the pressure of the field, Qiangruu also felt dizzy for a while, and running divine force became extremely difficult, and his strength was suppressed by at least 30%.

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