Unfortunately, what he didn’t expect was that his ghost curse was no threat to Yang Xuan.

“Pull sword technique!”

Yang Xuan held a sword in both hands, and slashed one sword diagonally, cutting it accurately on the snake-shaped long sword.


Sparks flew, and the air flew violently, and the vast void exploded. One after another ripples swept all directions.

In this confrontation, Gui Wushuang was invincible, and was shocked by a huge force.

“It’s so weak!”

Yang Xuan was full of disdain, and pushed forward again, swinging his sword towards Gui Wushuang.

“Seven ghosts carry the coffin, and seal it!”

Gui Wu bilateral backs up and seals with one hand, one of the most powerful secret techniques of Cloudy Ghost Sect, the seven ghosts carry The coffin resorted to.

hong long long! ! !

Void vibrated, making a sound like a galloping horse, seven black-headed humanoid ghosts, carrying a huge black coffin, moving towards Yang Xuan at an incomparable speed and rushing towards Yang Xuan.

“What the hell thing?”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, surprised at the secret technique of Cloudy Ghost Sect, and when he was stunned, the black coffin The lid of the coffin cracked open with a sneer, and a very terrifying suction was emitted from it.


Yang Xuan Divine Soul was shocked, almost trying to get out of fleshy body.


Just in this brief moment, the formation diagram of refining the gods shines brightly, and the brilliance turns into a splendid light curtain, covering the Divine Soul of Yang Xuan, so that the suction will not work at all Up.

“It turned out to be a kind of spirituality, but unfortunately your wishful thinking is planned. My Divine Soul is unbreakable. With trifling a coffin, I can’t help but break for me!”

Yang Xuan recovered, and in an instant, Human and Sword Unity cut through the sky, fiercely slashed on the black coffin.


The coffin burst, and a wave of air shock radiated, and the seven-headed humanoid ghosts crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood all around the coffin shattered.

“Even the seven ghosts carrying the coffin can’t kill this child!”

Gui Wushuang was cold all over.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

Yang Xuan used the Free Spirit Step to transform into a phantom in the sky. Every phantom was undoubtedly from the real body. He waved the Purgatory Sword and launched a tide-like offensive against Gui Wushuang, killing Gui Wushuang back again and again. , Face deathly pale.


Soon, all the phantoms disappeared, and Yang Xuan swooped down from a high altitude, slashing with a sword.

Gui Wushuang turn pale with fright, busy raising his sword to resist.


Two Divine Swords were handed over, and Gui Wushuang was shocked out again, and a burst of blood mist spouted directly from his mouth, his breath languishing, and Yang Xuan stood still, holding a sword.

“Gui Wushuang, defeat is set!”

Someone in the distance sighed softly.

Nearby, the crowd was silent. Everyone could tell that Gui Wushuang was not Yang Xuan’s opponent. He was injured by Yang Xuan not long after starting the battle. If he continues to fight, he will die sooner or later.

“unable to withstand a single blow!”

Yang Xuan spit out a cold word, did not give Gui Wushuang the slightest breathing time, and stepped out in a row, fierce Di Yijian slashed towards Gui Wushuang.

“Domain, open for me!”

Gui Wushuang was frightened and hurriedly took out the field with fear.

Like the Killing Army, his domain is also a black light curtain, but unlike the Killing Army, there are all kinds of eerie wail like ghosts and howl like wolves in his domain. Come out, let people smell hairy.

“A layer of tortoise shell, can you stop it?”

Yang Xuan shouted like thunder, brave and unstoppable, and hit Gui Wushuang with a sword force. Field.

crackle, Gui Wushuang’s domain is cracked in a large area, and a destructive power penetrates into him, making him as if was struck by lightning, he is injured and he is vomiting blood and flying. Go out, as much as you feel embarrassed.

“Is this the Divine Grade Martial Spirit, it is really powerful and incredible!”

“Yes, it is as strong as a ghost, and it has been completely suppressed. There is no way to fight it. .”

“This child is too terrifying, and the achievements are limitless!”

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