“Swallow it for me!”

Just as the Ghost King was taking shape, Gui Wushuang opened his mouth and yelled, controlling the opening of Ghost King’s mouth, sending out an unstoppable wave terrifying suction.

“Interesting, I want to see what your Ghost King can do to me.”

Yang Xuan sneered, his body rushed into Ghost with a swish following the suction King’s big mouth.

“Yang Xuan boy, you are too arrogant. Today is destined to die in my hands.”

Gui Wushuang grinned and waved a Divine Seal technique into the Ghost King within. the body.

Next moment, Ghost King closed his mouth tightly, but his body quickly became smaller.

This is refining. When Ghost King’s body becomes a normal body shape, Yang Xuan inside will turn into a pool of Corpse Water.


“Wu wu, the big brother will not die, he will certainly not die.”

Witnessing Yang Xuan was Ghost King swallowed into his mouth, Su Ziyao and the other girls suddenly turned pale, and the two little girls, Fang Qingxue and Gu Qingying, even fell to the ground in despair, tears streaming down their faces.

“My son, Genius, is destined to be on the top of Martial Dao, the famous All Heavens Myriad Realms, how could he die like this? This is absolutely impossible!”

Yang The sky muttered to himself, shaking his head constantly.

“refine for me!”

Gui Wushuang roared, his hands played a series of refined Divine Seal tactics, making Ghost King’s huge body shrinking.

“A generation of enchanting evildoers, could it… just fall away!”

The distant crowd was silent and couldn’t believe Yang Xuan would die.

A genius like Yang Xuan is so powerful that he can always turn a good fortune whenever he encounters danger. If he just died like this, it would be incredible.

“Is it dead?”

Xue Wutian’s eyes flicker, although he knows that the Ghost King of Gui Wushuang is very strong, but Yang Xuan has Space Secret Technique. It’s so easy to die.

“haha, in my Ghost King within the body, your Space Secret Technique is useless, as long as it can kill you, even if it’s worth killing by your Dao Protector today.”

Gui Wushuang laughed wildly, looked crazy and ferocious, thinking that Yang Xuan was bound to die.

“old fogey, are you too happy too soon!”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came out, and Ghost King’s body burst into pieces, billowing black. It spread out, covering a large area of ​​the sky.


Gui Wushuang yelled, retreating again.

“There is nothing impossible, die for me, go.”

Among the black air in the sky, a black sword energy with no aura slashed out, as fast as thunder Blasted on Gui Wushuang.


A heart-piercing scream, shocking to the trembling scene appeared, only to see Wushuang’s body protection domain and body being black sword The energy was wiped out instantly, nothing remained, as if completely disappeared from this world.

“Gui Wushuang, dead!”

The annihilation of Gui Wushuang made countless people’s scalp numb. A Supreme Supreme was beaten to destroy both body and soul. It’s really shocking!


A cold wind blew by, the pervasive black air dissipated, and a silhouette came into everyone’s eyes clearly.

It is a white clothed youth, holding a black long sword, surrounded by demonic energy, and two pairs of black giant wings flickering behind him. The whole person is like the Demon God of Only I Am Supreme, straight Standing on one side of the sky.

At this time, this scene is amazing. It is indeed a rare evildoer in the world. Even the cultivation base who has just entered the divine force realm can kill the Supreme independently.

Gui Wushuang, one of the Cloudy Ghost Sect Three Great Supremes, is so powerful that everyone knows it.

But just today, he was obliterated by a young man named Yang Xuan, without the slightest resistance.

“How could this happen, Venerable Ghost, has fallen!”

The martial artist of Cloudy Ghost Sect is like falling ice cellar, shiver coldly, no one can accept this result, Qi Qi fell into endless despair and fear.

On the contrary, the inside of Sword God Palace is boiling, and many Outer Disciple and Inner Disciple are shouting the name of Yang Xuan, and the sound is continuous and resounding from all directions.

“very good!”

Yang Tian, ​​Ditian, Feixuan, Su Ziyao and other females and barbarians and the others, but everyone who has a close relationship with Yang Xuan is restrained I couldn’t help feeling excited, because Yang Xuan not only did not die, but also launched a fierce counterattack, killing Gui Wushuang with one move.

“One sword, kill Gui Wushuang in seconds!”

“Monster, this child is a monster!”

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