Zhong Prefecture Southern Region, in the depths of the Moyun mountain range, in the mountain gate station of Unbounded Demon Sect, many Unbounded Demon Sect disciple are unintentionally cultivated, and people who are familiar with each other gather together, secretly Discussing countermeasures.

The current situation is that the Sword God Palace is strong, and their Unbounded Demon Sect is showing weakness. Once Yang Xuan of Sword God Palace kills with his Dao Protector, the entire Unbounded Demon Sect will be raze to the ground.

And these sect disciple of them are bound to be buried.

“According to my order, all the people of Unbounded Demon Sect should evacuate from the mountain gate, each looking for a place to hide, and come back when the time is right.”

Just as countless people are disturbed, When hesitating whether to slip away quietly, an indifferent and majestic voice sounded like thunder in the Unbounded Demon Sect mountain gate resident for a long time.

“Follow Supreme Elder’s orders.”

Unbounded Demon Sect is now the Sect Master, a burly figure and black robe, a middle-aged man who has just entered Supreme Realm. He also sent orders to all the people under Inner Sect to evacuate quickly in batches under the leadership of the Great Elders of Inner Sect.

At the same time, Blood Fiend Sect and Supreme Elder of Cloudy Ghost Sect also issued the same command.

This caused a shock. The Martial Dao Sect faction in the surrounding area were all people were alarmed. They belonged to Three Great Sects. They were hesitating as they watched the crowds of Three Great Sects go away. Want to make a big escape?

“Sect Master, let’s go, Yang Xuan is a killer. If you come here and see the people of Three Great Sects are gone, you may not be angry with us.”

“Divine-Martial Continent is so big, where can we go? Besides, the foundation of the sect is here, do you want this seat to abandon it?”

“Ai, the one who should come Will come, you can’t avoid it, let it be your fate!”

“Don’t worry, Yang Xuan is vicious and merciless, but it hasn’t reached the point of extinction of humanity. Besides, the death of the King of War belongs to Three Great Sects. Supreme Elder planned it by himself, and it has nothing to do with us.”


In the Sword God Palace, Yang Xuan didn’t know anything about it, even if he knew he would sneer.

Because he understands that it will not take long for the demon to be killed from the Foreign Domain, and Supreme Elder of Three Great Sects will not let it go, it is very possible to kill with the demon.

Regarding this, Yang Xuan is not in a hurry. He has Ming Lao. What he has to do is to wait for the other person to come and die. This is also his intention to claim that Ming Lao only has the realm of heaven.

Who would have thought that Ming Lao is not a powerhouse in the world, but a Paradise Realm powerhouse even more terrifying than the emperor.

In the evening, the sky is full of sunset.

Although a large number of corpses have been disposed of, a faint smell of blood can still be smelled in the air between breathing.

Three Great Sects nearly hundreds of people committed a large number of crimes, and all of them left their lives around the gate of the Sword God Palace. The blood of the hundreds of thousands of people died also stained the land around several hundred li.

The blood is almost impossible to clean up by manpower, and we can only wait for it to disperse slowly.

Yang Xuan didn’t care about this either. He took a bath in his residence, changed into clean clothes, took Su Ziyao and other female and barbarians and the others, and came to the outer sect with grandiose. Divine City.

Chapter 785 Celebration Banquet

“I have seen Yang Xuan Senior Brother!”

“Yang Xuan Senior Brother is too good. From now on, you It’s my idol.”

“That, Yang Xuan Senior Brother, can you teach us a half move when you have time!”

All the way to the Divine City of the vast crowd, Many Sword God Palace disciple salute Yang Xuan and say hello, but they are not respectful, and some of them are young female disciple who have the courage to let Yang Xuan have time to give instructions on cultivation.

“You are a big celebrity now, look at those female disciple, who doesn’t want to hug you.”

Shen Yuexin rolled her eyes and said.

“I have you enough.”

Yang Xuan look steadily forward authentic.

“Xiu’er younger sister, let’s not talk about it. If you dare to attract bees and butterflies outside, see how the great aunt cleans up you.”

Shen Yue feels fiercely and authentic.

“Okay, Yuexin, so many people are watching, you also save some face for Yang Xuan.”

Su Ziyao managed to resist a smile.

“My Ziyao wife is the best. Come and let me kiss her husband.”

“Behave, don’t mess around here.”

“haha, okay, I’ll be messy again at night.”

Yang Xuan laughed, holding Xiao Yun’er in one hand, and baby in the other, with Su Ziyao and other women and barbarians and the others, in Numerous Sword God Palace disciple with attendants crowding round came down to the central square of Divine City.

The square is very large, full of banquets.

On the banquet, there are a variety of delicacies from mountains and seas, as well as Spirit Fruit wines, which are fragrant.

Today, Sword God Palace won a big victory, and a grand celebration banquet will be held here. One is to celebrate the Sword God Palace turn peril into safety, and the other is to pick up the dust for Yang Xuan who has returned from experience.

When the banquet started, Sword God Gu Tongxuan, Inner Sect Seven Peaks Peak Master, each peak Elder, many Inner Disciples, etc., were all present.

Of course, outer sect management and discipline are no exception, the scene is a lively scene.

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