“I have seen Yang Xuan Senior Brother!”

Along the way, Sword God Palace disciple salutes Yang Xuan.

Up to now, whoever has the most prestige besides Sword God Gu Tongxuan in Sword God Palace is undoubtedly Yang Xuan.

Everyone understands that Yang Xuan is a genius of heaven, have boundless prospects, and will be in charge of the Sword God Palace sooner or later, when the time comes, they will have to be honored as the lord of the palace when they see Yang Xuan.

“You don’t need to be polite. By the way, Junior Brother Junior Sisters, do you know that we have some who are here in the Sword God Palace?

Yang Xuan smiles on his face. Sword God Palace disciple said hello and asked.

Just now, he released Divine Consciousness to investigate and found that there were more strangers in Sword God Palace.

“Back to Senior Brother, those people are Elder and so on of some sects and Martial Dao Aristocratic Family outside the mountain range of Da Zhou. This trip is to visit our Sword God Palace. “

“Waiting the mountain? “

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, knowing that the visitor to worship the mountain is a fake, and it is true to send a gift to Sword God Palace.

“hehe, this is all trust The blessing of Senior Brother. “

“Yes, if it weren’t for Senior Brother’s great divine might yesterday and beheaded the Three Great Supremes, those from outside the Martial Dao forces would be too late to evade our Sword God Palace, how could they come? Worship the mountain? “

Nearby, a group of Sword God Palace disciple spoke one after another, and they all admired Yang Xuan in words and regarded him as an idol.

“Yang Xuan Senior Brother has not used breakfast before Well, Junior Sister, there are some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes here. If you don’t dislike it, Senior Brother can take it. “

There is also a pretty young female disciple who handed Yang Xuan a jade box, turned and ran away with a blushing face.

Yang Xuan looked in his eyes, just smiled Laugh, he opened the jade box casually, and while eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, he moved towards his mountain peak.

“hehe, Grand Purity Palace Yunhai Mountain is visiting. If you disturb me, please forgive me. “

At this moment, with the hearty laughter that made people feel like a spring breeze, a kind-looking blue clothed old man appeared out of thin air above the Sword God Palace gate station.

“Grand Yun Haishan, the Venerable Yun at Purity Palace? “

“This is the person! “

“Tsk, the Venerable is visiting, this Sword God Palace is so great! “

“It’s not that the face of Sword God Palace is great, but that of Yang Xuan. Without Yang Xuan, how could the supreme condescend to visit? ”

Many mountain worshippers whispered and discussed spiritedly, they all understand that this is the credit of Yang Xuan.

It was originally a super Sect in Zhong Prefecture, and now there are many inside the gate. There is a magical discipline with amazing battle strength, and I can’t do it without attracting attention.

“Junior Yang Xuan, see Venerable Yun, I wonder if Venerable is good lately? “

Yang Xuan rose into the sky and went to meet Yunhai Mountain in person.

As someone else, Yang Xuan would naturally not be so attentive, but Fang Qingxue, this girl, was once a disciple of the Grand Purity Palace. In addition, Yunhaishan is a pretty good person, and it deserves Yang Xuan’s courtesy.

“the younger generations will surpass us in time, I think the old man knew that Yang Virtuous nephew is a giant amongst men, Achievement out of the ordinary, now it seems that Virtuous nephew is more than an achievement out of the ordinary, this is destined to dominate an era! “

Yunhai Mountain looked at the white clothed and vigorous Yang Xuan in front of him, and praised him without hesitation.

“Venerable Gen. praised, Junior is ashamed of it. “

Yang Xuan said modestly.

Chapter 791 Taiqing Dan

“Without arrogance or impetuosity, in time, this child certainly becomes a capable person! “

Yunhaishan feels with emotion. He has not seen any genius for more than 3,000 years since his cultivation. The overwhelming majority has long since passed away with the wind. A few of them belong to the Aristocratic Family. The head teacher and the head of the family have a prominent identity.

Sword God Gu Tongxuan, he also grew up looking at him, but these people, including Gu Tongxuan, can’t mention on Yang Xuan. equal terms.

Young Heaven’s Chosen like Yang Xuan, the entire All Heavens Myriad Realms is rare, not to mention their little Divine-Martial Continent.

Yun Haishan said with a smile: “Virtuous nephew, you don’t have to be too modest. Your talent is only seen in the life of an old man. It is difficult for anyone in the same generation to match. With you, I believe that Sword God Palace will become stronger and stronger. In the end, it will be powerful and brilliant. immortal. “

“Sir, don’t praise me, otherwise Junior will be really proud. “

Yang Xuan said with a slight smile.

“Okay, the old man won’t say much, but Virtuous nephew don’t always call the Venerable Venerable. That seems too raw. “

Yun Haishan has a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth. When it comes to his cultivation realm, every sentence has a deep meaning, it depends on whether Yang Xuan can understand it.

Yang Xuan II is a human and has a thorough soul. How can he not know that Yunhaishan wants to have a good relationship with him? He smiled undiminishedly: “The Venerable has said that for this purpose, and my little nephew said that you are old. “

“haha, good, good, this name is very good! “

Yun Haishan laughed and looked very happy. With this sound, Yun Lao has brought the relationship between the two people closer.

“Dare to ask Yun Lao, Your sect Fairy’s moon cicada is getting better these days? ”

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