Yang Xuan blinked at the side Yan Ruyue, a big hand also quietly rounded Yan Ruyue’s unbearable waist, rubbing her lower abdomen.

“Should I say that I don’t want you to believe it?”

Yan Ruyuefang’s lips lightly opened, and the sound was like a jade on the plate, and the lingering sound was very pleasant.

“If you don’t believe me, if you don’t want me, you won’t follow the madman of Divine Demon Temple to come here today.”

Yang Xuan smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his hands grew stronger. He became unscrupulous and made Yan Ruyue Xiafei’s cheeks, her body trembling like an electric shock, it was really beautiful.

“Since I know, I still ask so much about what I am doing, and talk while talking. Don’t be frustrated.”

Yan Ruyue scolded, if she changes to another man, she He had already killed someone, how could he allow him to be so frivolous.

“Fuzzy hands and feet?”

Yang Xuan hearing this, for a while, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, he raised a hand and stroked Yan Ruyue with a bounce to break it The pretty face.

More than half a year later, this stunning woman is even more stunning, with her eyes open and closed, the mist is misty, and her heart is swaying. If the time is wrong, he will have to be incarnation as a wolf on the spot and eat it. .

“Let you behave, didn’t you hear?”

Yan Ruyue’s eyes are thin and angry, and it is even more appealing.

“Hehe, I can’t help it, I can’t help it!”

Yang Xuan was carefreely smiled, his big hands didn’t move, but he didn’t mean to leave Yan Ruyue Liuyao, and settled there.

“For half a year, I miss you all the time, and I am also worried that something will happen to you.”

Yang Xuan looked at the Iraqi in front of him and said softly.

“What can I do, but you, you guy Xiang came from a big arrogance, I don’t know when he died outside.”

Yan Ruyue is lightly snorted.

Yang Xuan just stared at Yan Ruyue. A pretty face was so gorgeous, and his eyes looked radiant, and he couldn’t help but forget to answer.

“What are you looking at?”

Seeing the man staring at her face blankly, Yan Ruyue couldn’t help being ashamed and angry, mixed with a little bit of joy.

“What you can see, of course, is Fairy Yan, who is looking at my beautiful and inexplicable things.”

Yang Xuan came back to his senses, slightly proudly said: “Who can I thought that a sacred and inviolable person like Fairy would one day be surrendered by me.”

“What surrender, you guy can’t spit out ivory from his mouth.”

Yan Kisaragi scolded.

“Fairy looks very angry too!”

Yang Xuan’s smile became brighter, he leaned over Yan Ruyue’s forehead and kissed him. Feng bloodline, Fairy, who is not fake to any man except him, likes it from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Ruyue felt the love in Yang Xuan’s eyes, and the sweetness in her heart also poured out, but she did not show it on her face, instead she said, “Where have you died in the past six months? , Why is the cultivation progress so fast?”

“Where did you die?”

Yang Xuan was dumb, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, he said bitterly: “I Say Fairy, I’m your Husband anyway, can you be a little gentler?”

“By nature, if you don’t like it, I will go now.”

Yan Ruyuena Opening Yang Xuan’s big hand, he stood up and left.

“Everything is here, just stay by my side.”

Yang Xuan has eyesight and quick hands, grabbing Yan Ruyue in one hand, and embracing her in her arms.

“You this bastard, you know you are bullying me.”

Yan Ruyue pushed Yang Xuan, with a trace of anger in her spiritual eyes and a trace of helplessness, facing like this Overbearing Yang Xuan, she found that she had no choice.

“haha, you are my Yang Xuan’s woman, I don’t bully who you bully?”

Yang Xuan was amused by Yan Ruyue’s words.

“Be serious.”

Yan Ruyue lightly scolded and said: “I ask you, where have you been in the past six months?”

“I, I went a long way…”

Yang Xuan naturally did not hide from his beloved, he was sitting in distress, slowly speaking about the Sacred Domain mainland and the inside of the tower.

Although what he said was simple, and some dangerous things were taken in one stroke and did not go into detail, Yan Ruyue still heard shockingly, knowing that Yang Xuan did not suffer less during this period, and even almost did it. Die.

“Don’t worry, I’m not back well?”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

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