Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes.

“What is the relationship between you and that dream of Nine Nether?”

Yan Ruyue has seen the dream of Nether outside the Supreme Profound Palace, and knows that the dream of Nine Nether and Unbounded Demon Sect Supreme Elder is The enemy of life and death, and at the same time the other party also said to help Yang Xuan, claiming to have given Yang Xuan a drop of supreme blood.

“As you know, he gave me a drop of supreme blood, which is kind to me.”

Yang Xuan said.

“As a benefactor, why do you seem to be reluctant to meet him?”

Yan Ruyue is puzzled, she can see that Yang Xuan doesn’t want to see the dream Nine Nether, this She was taken aback, wondering what unpleasant things happened between the two.

“I really don’t want to see him.”

Yang Xuan said with a calm face.

“Why is this?”

“I will tell you more about this later.”

while speaking, the voice of Sword God Gu Tongxuan Sounded.

“Venerable Dream is coming, I don’t know what is going on with Direct Disciple Yang Xuan?”

“This matter has nothing to do with the ancient palace lord, the ancient palace lord does not need to know.”


In charge of Kaiyang Peak, Kaiyang God, who has always been hot-tempered, is angry. This is the mountain gate of their Sword God Palace. I never dreamed of Nine Nether so ignorant. , Even the palace owner of their Sword God Palace dare to despise.

“Open the sun, retreat.”

Gu Tongxuan lightly shouted.

“Palace Lord!”

“Let you back down.”


Yang Xuan heard this, I couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: “Palace Master, the discipline and Venerable Dream are old acquaintances, you don’t have to worry about it.”

After speaking, he raised his voice again: “Junior is here, please come down from Venerable Dream A narration.”


A majestic silhouette broke through the clouds and steadily landed outside the pavilion on the mountain top where Yang Xuan and Yan Ruyue were.

This is a bald robust man with a height of eight feet, shirtless upper body, and a physique like a tiger and leopard. There is a domineering atmosphere in every gesture, shocking people.

This person is the dream Nether and the big brother of the dream. It is this relationship that Yang Xuan does not want to see this person.

“Should I avoid it?”

Yan Ruyue whispered.

“No need.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, looked towards Meng Nine Nether calmly, and said: “The Lord does not know what it is to do here, if you want to let Junior Give back your original blood-giving sentiment and say it straight.”

“A drop of supreme blood that’s all, I haven’t taken seriously yet. This is mainly for my younger sister’s dream. I hope you can spare her. Fate.”

Meng Nine Nether was outspoken and honest, and the imposing manner on her body disappeared.

Just now, he felt an unusually terrifying aura locked him, and once he changed, he would be killed immediately.

“There really is a Dao Protector behind this child!”

Meng Nine Nether is shocked, and he now has a half-step cultivation base that can easily The existence that put him to death is obviously a real heaven-snaking power.


Yang Xuan’s face turned cold, and Mengqing didn’t say what he did. This woman should never occupy Qin Lan’s Fleshy body, this is his reverse scale, no matter who it is, a woman who dares to hurt him is unforgivable.

“My younger sister has a cold and arrogant temperament. If I offend, I hope you don’t care about her.”

Meng Nine Nether said solemnly.

Yang Xuan brows tightly frowns, after being silent for a long time, he said: “The Lord is kind to me, I can agree to your request, but only if my woman is fine. If she has a long and two shortcomings, I… “

Meng Nine Nether interrupted: “Don’t worry, everything is fine with that little girl. I only hope that you will meet my younger sister after entering the Eternal Life Palace, and you can leave her a way out.”


“I don’t know where is the younger sister of the venerable now?”

Yang Xuan did not answer the question.

“I left two months ago and I don’t know where to go, otherwise I will not come alone today.”

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