“My name is Su Ziyao.”

Su Ziyao responded with a smile, and one after another introduced Shen Yuexin, Xia Yuwei, Fang Qingxue, Gu Qingying, and Yi Xiu’s daughters to Yan Ruyue. .

“Well, I remember, I hope we can get along well in the future.”

Yan Ruyue was slightly nodded, and didn’t mean to be close to Su Ziyao and other women, turned and looked towards Yang Xuan Come, “Don’t you want to see your mother again?”


Shen Yuexin seems to be very upset with Yan Ruyue’s attitude, Qiong’s nose can’t help but let out a soft voice. Hmph, he said unceremoniously: “Where are you from? I don’t even understand the most basic etiquette.”

“Well, Yuexin, you say a few words. “

Su Ziyao hurriedly said.

“Am I wrong? I brought back a proud and arrogant woman without even saying hello. She didn’t take us seriously at all.”

Shen Yuexin’s words Obviously speaking at Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan couldn’t help smiling in his ears. He pretended to be angry and said, “Little Demoness, come here.”

“What are you doing?”

Shen Yue walked over angrily.

“Ruyue, and you, come here too.”

Yang Xuan greeted Yan Ruyue again.

“What do you want to do?”

Yan Ruyue and Dai frowned slightly, her feet were motionless.

“Just let you come here, where is so much nonsense?”

Yang Xuan is very domineering.


Yan Ruyue was secretly angry, but Shen Yuexin was triumphant, standing beside Yang Xuan looking at Yan Ruyue with provocative eyes.

“Why do you want me to come and invite you?”

Yang Xuan asked back.

Yan Ruyue clenches the teeth, after all, he obediently came to Yang Xuan.

“Do you two know that you are wrong?”

Yang Xuan looked at Yan Ruyue and Shen Yuexin, and asked with a cold face.

“This woman is wrong. What’s wrong with great aunt?”

Shen Yuexin panting with rage authentically.

“What this woman, she is called Yan Ruyue, who is older than you, you have to call her elder sister.”

Yang Xuan gave Shen Yuexin a stare and turned his eyes to Yan Ruyue.” Yuexin is still small and loves to play and make trouble. Don’t worry about her. In addition, you have to change your temper.”

After that, hold Yan Ruyue with one hand and Shen Yuexin with the other. Said: “Forget it this time, next time, I will take you to a crowded place for a walk, let you lose face.”

“you dare!”

Yan Ruyue and Shen Yuexin said in unison.

“If you don’t dare to be a husband, if you don’t get along well, it’s up to me to clean up you.”

Yang Xuan laughed and hugged the two women tightly.

“Let go of me.”

Yan Ruyue struggled free.

“Asshole, why don’t you die!”

Shen Yuexin was even more ruthless, punching and kicking Yang Xuan.

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

Yang Xuan let go of his hands and said: “You are all my women, don’t make it like an enemy.”


“Yes, everyone is sisters, don’t hurt your peace for trivial matters.”

Su Ziyao smiled slightly and brought a few women over.

“My Yao’er is still the most sensible.”

Yang Xuan reached out and pulled Su Ziyao into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek as a reward.

“So many people are here, what are you doing!”

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