in an instant, Gong Wudi has stabilized his body and rushed towards Yang Xuan quickly.


At the same time, Xueyuankong and Yuchifeng also moved, and Gong Wudi joined forces to deal with Yang Xuan.

bang bang bang!! !

If the three of them didn’t make a move, they would say that there would be no half of the show mercy. One after another dazzled Yang Xuan’s body and beat Yang Xuan so he could not stand firmly and back again.

But what makes them unbelievable is that no matter how fierce their offensive is, they will not be able to hurt half of Yang Xuan’s hair.

“Are you tired from fighting, now it’s my turn to attack!”

Yang Xuan killed the sound and broke through the air and passed the ten directions.


He made an extremely ruthless attack, a sword urged the Punishing God Sword Array to be sent, a golden sword energy with no breath fluctuations cut through the sky and approached at high speed. Gong Wudi, Xueyuankong, Yuchifeng.

“Quickly retreat, this is the Divine Sword Qi of Sword God Palace, cannot be defeated!”

Gong Wudi saw something, but didn’t dare to resist, his body moved quickly. Get out.

The speed of the blood source air is not slow, both feet stepped in the void, like a blood scorpion going out to sea, rumbling up into the sky.

“Kill you first.”

Yang Xuan abandoned Palace Invincible and Xueyuankong, cold and severe pupil light locked Yuchifeng, and slashed straight with a sword.

“Damn it!”

Yu Chifeng cursed inwardly, and disappeared from the same place.

Chapter 806 Beat Down the Water Dog

“Can you escape?”

Yang Xuan takes one step, the space is folded, and the distance of several hundred zhang is instantly reached, The speed is extremely fast.

All this is attributed to the big Void Technique.

After practicing the complete Void Technique, Yang Xuan has a more thorough understanding of space. Once he truly masters the Profound Truth of Space, his speed can be greatly improved.

“Soul Curse, Eat the Soul of Ten Thousand Ghosts!”

Yuchifeng looked ferocious, flicks with the finger, and a black beam shot at Yang Xuan.

This is the Divine Soul secret skill of Cloudy Ghost Sect. Yang Xuan has seen it in the ghost master Gui Wushuang, but compared with Gui Wushuang, the formidable power of the ghost spell cast by Yuchifeng is stronger, I don’t know. How many.


The black beam speed is extremely fast, it almost broke through the air facing Yang Xuan’s door, and came to the front all at once.

Yang Xuan didn’t dodge either, letting the black beam come in, and was eventually wiped out by the old cave sky.

“Come out!”

At the same time, Yang Xuan raised his left hand, the Heart Demon mirror appeared in his hand, and the cold magic light was condensed on the mirror surface, like a black sun Profound, shining towards Yuchifeng not far away.

Heart Demon mirror, a rare Demonic Artifact in the world, although the grade is not very high, it can not only emit magic light, but also condense the magic light on the mirror surface to stimulate “Heart Demon is the ultimate move.

Compared with magic light, Heart Demon is more than several times stronger and consumes more spirit strength.

“What is this?”

Yu Chifeng complexion changed, only to feel that Divine Soul was locked by a certain kind of Qi, making his fleshy body extremely heavy, like a large mountain .

“Heart Demon Soul Eater!”

At this moment, Yang Xuan activated the Heart Demon mirror with his mind, and then a dazzling black beam of light burst out of the Heart Demon mirror, instantly Cut through the sky and sank into Yu Chifeng’s body.

“Destroy me!”

Yu Chifeng screamed sharply, and with powerful spirit strength, he destroyed the thousands of Heart Demon illusions in his mind.


Yang Xuan unfolded the big Void Technique, appeared in front of Yu Chifeng out of thin air, pierced his throat fiercely with a sword, without a trace of tenderness.

Yuchifeng was both shocked and angry, and hurriedly opened the field, only to see a layer of black light curtain zoomed in extremely quickly, suppressing Yang Xuan.

However, his domain does not work at all. When he reaches Yang Xuan, he is blocked by an invisible barrier, and Yang Xuan is completely unaffected by this invisible barrier. Reduced, and once again urged Divine Sword’s anger.


A golden sword energy rushes out of the Purgatory Sword, sending out Wan Daoguang glow, which is amazing.

This time Yang Xuan shot faster, and Wei Chifeng cannot be dodged.

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